
Personal statement

I am a lecturer in the  Department of Internal  Medicine Makerere University.   I teach undergraduate and post graduate students in the Department of Medicine Makerere University College of Health Sciences.  I am an invited assistant investigator at the University of Coimbra (Portugal)working with EOL in place project. I am also an honorary lecturer at Hospice Africa Uganda (Institute of Hospice and Palliative care in Africa) and I also supervise   undergraduate (at Hospice Africa Uganda) and post graduate students of the Department of Medicine, Makerere University in research . I am also a researcher in palliative care and oncology. I have been involved in collaborative research with local and International Institutions including the African Palliative care Association, University of Edinburgh, University of Leeds, University of Sheffield (UK) and University of Coimbra (Portugal).


Teaching and training: 

I have 15 years of experience in teaching undergraduate and post graduate students which I have acquired through teaching students in the Department of medicine, Makerere College of Health Sciences and Hospice Africa Uganda. I have been involved in the following teaching activities; 

a)       Teaching and facilitating didactic and clinical sessions for both undergraduate and post graduate students in the Department of Medicine Makerere University College of health Sciences  for 7 courses (MED 4103, MED4102, MED 3101,MED5104, MED 7105,MED 8405) CHS7101. 

b)      In the last 14 years I  have been course co-coordinator for 3 courses in the Department of Medicine (Makerere university) these include two post graduate courses : Integrated Medicine (from 2010-2015) and  Critical care Medicine and Palliative care medicine course (2008-to date)  and one undergraduate course : Medical specials (2008 to date)  

c)       I was involved in the revision of the curriculum of the Integrated Medicine course for third year postgraduate students and the Critical Care and Palliative care course for first year postgraduate students in the Department of Medicine Makerere University. I am now involved in writing a curriculum for a fellowship in Palliative care for doctors who would like to become palliative care specialists.

d)      I am involved in examining both undergraduate and postgraduate students and this includes setting examinations and conducting clinical examinations and examining their dissertations in the same department.


Student Supervision and mentorship


I have supervised 5 Masters of internal medicine students’ dissertations from Makerere College of Health sciences and 1 Masters of Philosophy in Palliative care from the University of CapeTown  as listed in the table below, all these dissertations have been successfully defended and some of these students I supervised have gone on to further training and others work as physicians  and one as a nurse in hospitals. I am currently supervising 4 students’ research projects, 1 on the Masters of Medicine in Internal Medicine Makerere College of health Sciences and 4  on the Masters of Sciences Program in Palliative care at Hospice Africa Uganda as an honorary lecturer. I have also offered mentorship to two postgraduate students in Internal Medicine who successfully and timely completed their course and one is currently working as a physician in Mulago and the other is doing a fellowship in oncology. I am on the doctoral committee/ PhD advisory group of 2 PhD students one from Makerere University and the other from the University of Bristol in UK and I am a supervisor for 2 PhD students 1 at the University of Coimbra and the other at Nova University Protugal.

Examination of dissertations

I have been the internal examiner of four dissertations for Master of Medicine in Internal Medicine from Makerere College of health Sciences and an external examiner for one dissertation of  Masters of Philosophy Palliative care program from the University of Cape Town South Africa  as listed below;

a) Dr. Babua Christopher -2013. Topic: “Cardiovascular risk factors and cardiac diseases among patients with chronic kidney disease attending the nephrology outpatient clinic in Mulago hospital.” (Department of medicine Makerere University)

b) Dr. Solomon Kibudde -2014. Topic: “Prevalence and predictors of early Cardiotoxicity among adults treated with Anthracycline Chemotherapy at Uganda Cancer Institute.” (Department of medicine Makerere University)

c) Dr. Innocent Mutyaba -2015. Topic: “Cytokine profile during asymptomatic and symptomatic malaria parasitemia in children in Uganda.” (Department of medicine Makerere University)

d) Dr. Agnes Bwanika  -2016. Topic: “Prevalence and factors associated with functional adrenal insufficiency among drug-sensitive and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients in Mulago hospital.” (Department of medicine Makerere University)

e) Alex Daniels -2019 .  Topic: “What do we need to provide paediatric Palliative care. A mixed method study at Sarah fox Convalescent Children’s hospital , Capetown”. (University of CapeTown south Africa)

Research and publications

My area of interest is Palliative medicine and I am actively involved in research in this area and have interest in areas of use of technology in palliative cancer care and palliative care for non-cancer conditions. I have 34 publications in peer reviewed journals and 3 published book chapters.  I have peer reviewed 5 manuscripts for 5 different journals.

Published manuscripts in peer reviewed journals

1) Lopes S, de Sousa AB, Delalibera M, Namukwaya E, Cohen J, Gomes B. The rise of home death in the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based study of death certificate data for adults from 32 countries, 2012–2021. eClinicalMedicine. 2024 Jan 2.

2) Reid E, Lukoma M, Ho D, Bagasha P, Leng M, Namukwaya L. Palliative care needs and barriers in an urban Ugandan Emergency Department: A mixed-methods survey of emergency healthcare workers and patients. African Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2023 Dec 1;13(4):339-44.

3) Najjuka SM, Iradukunda A, Kaggwa MM, Sebbowa AN, Mirembe J, Ndyamuhaki K, Nakibuule C, Atuhaire JP, Nabirye E, Namukwaya E, Kiguli S. The caring experiences of family caregivers for patients with advanced cancer in Uganda: A qualitative study. Plos one. 2023 Oct 25;18(10):e0293109.

4) Kauma G, Ddungu H, Ssewanyana I, Nyesiga S, Bogere N, Namulema-Diiro T, Byakika-Kibwika P, Namukwaya E, Kizza HM. Virologic Nonsuppression Among Patients With HIV Newly Diagnosed With Cancer at Uganda Cancer Institute: A Cross-Sectional Study. JCO Global Oncology. 2023 Apr;9:e2200262.

5) Rapa E, Hanna JR, Pollard T, Santos-Paulo S, Gogay Y, Ambler J, Namukwaya E, Kavuma D, Nabirye E, Kemigisha RM, Namyeso J. Exploring the experiences of healthcare professionals in South Africa and Uganda around communicating with children about life-threatening conditions: a workshop-based qualitative study to inform the adaptation of communication frameworks for use in these settings. BMJ open. 2023 Jan 1;13(1):e064741.

6) Natuhwera G, Ellis P, Wilson Acuda S, Namukwaya E. Psychosocial and emotional morbidities after a diagnosis of cancer: Qualitative evidence from healthcare professional cancer patients. Nursing Open. 2022 Dec 20.

7) Akeju D, Ziegler F, Dandadzi A, Nabirye E, Namisango E, Namukwaya E, Adejoh SO, Okunade K, Fu Y, Ebenso B, Nkhoma K. The use of and need for data and information by health professionals supporting the delivery of palliative cancer care services in sub-Saharan Africa: A qualitative study. Health Informatics Journal. 2022 Nov 18;28(4):14604582221139054.

8)   Namukwaya E, Nabirye E, Dandadzi A, Akeju D, Adejoh S, Namisango E, Nkhoma K, Ebenso B, Allsop MJ. "From the Time You start With them Until the Lord Calls You": A Qualitative Study on the Experiences and Expectations of People Living with Advanced Cancer Interacting With Palliative Care Services in Uganda, Nigeria and Zimbabwe. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2022 Sep 9:S0885-3924(22)00876-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2022.08.022. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36089175.


9) Natuhwera G, Ellis P, Acuda SW, Namukwaya E. ‘I got to understand what it means to be a cancer patient’: Qualitative evidence from health professional cancer patients and survivors. SAGE Open Medicine. 2022 May;10:20503121221095942.


10) Dandadzi A, Chapman E, Chirenje ZM, Namukwaya E, Pini S, Nkhoma K, Allsop MJ. Patient experiences of living with cancer before interaction with palliative care services in Zimbabwe: A qualitative secondary data analysis. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2022 Sep;31(5):e13632. doi: 10.1111/ecc.13632. Epub 2022 Jun 17. PMID: 35712980; PMCID: PMC9542205.


11) Bagasha Peace, Ronald Naitala, Elizabeth Namukwaya, Mhoira Leng, Elly Katabira, and Eve Namisango. 2022. “Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Kidney Disease and Quality of Life-Short Form (KDQOL-SF™) Version 1.3 Questionnaire in Uganda”. African Journal of Nephrology 25 (1), 116-35.  

12) Karera, M. G. D., Omar, M. A., Nabirye, E., Namukwaya, E., & Allsop, M. J. (2022). Mobile technologies for palliative cancer care in Uganda: Qualitative secondary analysis of health professional perspectives. Health Policy and Technology, 11(1), 100608.

13) Bogere, N., Bongomin, F., Katende, A., Omaido, B. A., Namukwaya, E., Mayanja-Kizza, H., & Walusansa, V. (2022). A 10-year retrospective study of lung cancer in Uganda. BMC cancer, 22(1), 1-8.

14) Bagasha, P., Namukwaya, E., Leng, M., Kalyesubula, R., Mutebi, E., Naitala, R., ... & Petrova, M. (2021). Comparison of the health-related quality of life of end stage kidney disease patients on hemodialysis and non-hemodialysis management in Uganda. BMC Palliative Care, 20(1), 1-13.

15) Nkhoma, K.B., Ebenso, B., Akeju, D., Adejoh, S., Bennett, M., Chirenje, M., Dandadzi, A., Nabirye, E., Namukwaya, E., Namisango, E. and Okunade, K., 2021. Stakeholder perspectives and requirements to guide the development of digital technology for palliative cancer services: a multi-country, cross-sectional, qualitative study in Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe. BMC Palliative Care, 20(1), pp.1-16.

16)  Adejoh, S.O., Boele, F., Akeju, D., Dandadzi, A., Nabirye, E., Namisango, E., Namukwaya, E., Ebenso, B., Nkhoma, K. and Allsop, M.J., 2020. The role, impact, and support of informal caregivers in the delivery of palliative care for patients with advanced cancer: A multi-country qualitative study. Palliative Medicine, p.0269216320974925.

17)  Glass, M., Rana, S., Coghlan, R., Lerner, Z. I., Harrison, J. D., Stoltenberg, M., Namukwaya, E., & Humphreys, J. (2020). Global Palliative Care Education in the Time of COVID-19. Journal of pain and symptom management, 60(4), e14–e19.  

18)  Okunade K, Bashan Nkhoma K, Salako O, Akeju D, Ebenso B, Namisango E, Soyannwo O, Namukwaya E, Dandadzi A, Nabirye E, Mupaza L, Luyirika E, Ddungu H, Chirenje ZM, Bennett MI, Harding R, Allsop MJ. Understanding data and information needs for palliative cancer care to inform digital health intervention development in Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe: protocol for a multicountry qualitative study. BMJ Open. 2019 Oct 31;9(10):e032166. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032166. 

19) Mbozi, P , Namukwaya, E. and Chaila, J. (2019) The Experiences of Palliative Care Specialists in Implementing Palliative Care into Their Work Settings in Lusaka, Zambia. Health, 11, 1664-1683.

20) Namukwaya, E., Grant, L., Downing, J., Leng, M. and Murray, S.A., 2017. Improving care for people with heart failure in Uganda: serial in-depth interviews with patients’ and their health care professionals. BMC Research Notes, 10(1), p.184.

21) Namukwaya E, Murray SA, Downing J, Leng M, Grant L. ‘I think my body has become addicted to those tablets’. Chronic heart failure patients’ understanding of and beliefs about their illness and its treatment: A qualitative longitudinal study from Uganda. PloS one. 2017 Sep 28;12(9):e0182876

22)  Low D, Merkel EC, Menon M, Loggers E, Ddungu H, Leng M, Namukwaya E, Casper C. End-of-Life Palliative Care Practices and Referrals in Uganda. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2017 Oct 23.

23) Low D, Merkel EC, Menon M, Lyman GH, Ddungu H, Namukwaya E, Leng M, Casper C. Chemotherapy Use at the End of Life in Uganda. Journal of global oncology. 2017 Jan 18;3(6):711-9.

24)   Grant E, Leng M, Namukwaya E, Onapito IO, Kimani K, Downing J. Faith and palliative care: a partnership of care in low-and middle-income countries. Development in Practice. 2017 Jul 4;27(5):610-21.

25) Liz Grant, Julia Downing, Emmanuel Luyirika, Mairead Murphy, Elizabeth Namukwaya, Fatia Kiyange, Mackuline Atieno,Emily kemigisha-Ssali, Jenny Hunt, Kaly Snell, Scott Murray, and Mhoira Leng. Integrating palliative care into national health systems in Africa: a multi-country intervention study. Journal of global health , 7 (1) 2017

26) Kimani, K. N., E. Namukwaya, L. Grant, and S. A. Murray. "Cancer and palliative care in Africa." European journal of cancer care 26, no. 1 (2017).

27)  Kimani, Kellen, Elizabeth Namukwaya, Liz Grant, and Scott A. Murray. "What is known about heart failure in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review of the English literature." BMJ supportive & palliative care (2016): bmjspcare-2015.

28)  Downing, Julia, Mwazi Batuli, Grace Kivumbi, Josephine Kabahweza, Liz Grant, Scott A. Murray, Elizabeth Namukwaya, and Mhoira Leng. "A palliative care link nurse programme in Mulago Hospital, Uganda: an evaluation using mixed methods." BMC palliative care 15, no. 1 (2016): 40.

29) Downing J, Grant L, Leng M, Namukwaya E. Understanding models of palliative care delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa: learning from programs in Kenya and Malawi. Journal of pain and symptom management. 2015 Sep 1;50(3):362-70.

30) Muyanja D, Kalyesubula R, Namukwaya E, Othieno E, Mayanja-Kizza H. Diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology in providing a diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy among HIV-infected patients. Afr Health Sci. 2015 Mar;15(1):107-16. doi: 10.4314/ahs.v15i1.15. PMID: 25834538; PMCID: PMC4370153.

31) Richard A. Powell, Richard Harding ,Eve Namisango, Elly Katabira, Liz Gwyther, Lukas Radbruch, Scott A. Murray, Maged El-Ansary, MhoiraLeng, Ike O. Ajayi, Charmaine Blanchard, Helen Kariuki, Ivy Kasirye, Elizabeth Namukwaya, Nahla Gafer, David Casarett, Mackuline Atieno. Palliative Care Research in Africa: Consensus Building for a Prioritized Agenda. Journal of pain and symptom management 2014;2: 315-324.

32) Namukwaya Liz, Sanctus Musafiri, Liz Grant. Every breath you take. Primary care respiratory journal. 2013;22(3):265-267

33)  Jane Lewington, Elizabeth Namukwaya, Julie Limoges, Mhoira Leng and Richard Harding. Provision of palliative care for life-limiting disease in a low income country national hospital setting: how much is needed? BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2012;2:140–144.

34) E Namukwaya, FN Nakwagala, F Mulekya, H Mayanja-Kizza, and R Mugerwa. Predictors of treatment failure among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Mulago hospital, Uganda. Afr Health Sci. 2011 August; 11(S1): S105–S111.

35) Elizabeth Namukwaya, Mhoira Leng, Julia Downing and Elly Katabira. Cancer Pain Management in Resource-Limited Settings: A Practice Review. Pain research and treatment. Vol. 2011. Article ID 393404 6 pages, 2011.

36) Liz Grant, Julia Downing, Elizabeth Namukwaya, Mhoira Leng, Scott A Murray. Palliative care in Africa since 2005: good progress, but much further to go. BMJ Support Palliat Care 2011;1:118-122

37) Tania Pastrana, Nandini Vallath, John Mastrojohn, Elizabeth Namukwaya, Suresh Kumar, Lukas Radbruch, David Clark.  “Disparities in the Contribution of Low- and Middle-Income Countries to Palliative Care Research.”Journal of Pain and symptom management Jan 2010, Vol.39(1) 54-68.


Book chapters:

1. Namukwaya E, Nankabirwa H, Mwaka AD. Symptoms burden and health needs of patients with dementia in a low-income country-Uganda. The Impact of Culture and Faith in Dementia Care: Psycho-Social-Spiritual Healing. 2023 Oct 5:107.

 2. Namukwaya, E., Mwaka, A. D., Namisango, E., Mwesiga, M. D., & Downing, J. (2020). Current State of Palliative Care in Uganda. In Palliative Care for Chronic Cancer Patients in the Community (pp. 267-278). Springer, Cham.

3.  Mwaka AD, Sebambulidde K Zirimenya L and Elizabeth Namukwaya. 2019 . Chapter 8. Evolution and progress in palliative care in cancer control in Uganda and the turn of the 21st century. Editor Michael Sibermann. Volume 3, Palliative Care: the Role and Importance of Research in Promoting Palliative Care Practices: Reports from Developing Countries. New Developments in Medical Research. pp 105-121. Nova publishers.

4.   Book Chapter:  “Pharmacology of Pain” African Palliative Care Association Beating pain, a pocket guide for pain management in Africa. 2nd Edition pg 36-44. APCA 2010.


Presentations at national and international meetings

 Oral Presentations made:

March 2023: Exploring the PC needs of people living with chronic disease among the refugee and host communities of Obongi and Adjumani districts, Uganda. ESCACOP conference held in Malawi.

September 2022: Palliative care needs of patients admitted to the emergency Department of Kiruddu national referral hospital in Uganda .APCA conference Kampala , Uganda

February 2022:  Interdisciplinary approaches to resilience training in care of the underrepresented populations. Workshop  at the American Academy of Hospices and Palliative medicine conference held virtually

February 2017: The Multidimensional needs of patients with advanced heart failure in Uganda across their disease trajectory. IAPCON conference India

August 2016: An Exemplar of use of mixed methods in palliative care , APCA conference Kampala.

August 2016: The experience of living with heart failure in Uganda, APCA conference , Kampala.

November 2014: ‘Patients’ Experiences of coming to a diagnosis of heart failure in Uganda.’ KEHPCA conference Nairobi

August 2011:  Presented a paper at the Palliative care conference in Kampala on “Palliative care in hospital units”.

May 2011: Presented a paper at the CFAR conference in Kampala on “Palliative care for HIV associated malignancies.”

2010:  Presented a paper at the African Palliative care Conference in Namibia on “Multidisciplinary team work in palliative care”.

2010: Presented a paper at a conference in Cape Town in South Africa on “Needs assessment for palliative care in Mulago hospital”.

2010: Presented a paper at the Cancer cervix conference in Kampala on “Palliative care for cancer of the cervix.”

Poster presentations:

May 2019:  Integrating Palliative care; Impact of a 6 year strategy from the Makerere Palliative care Unit. European Association for palliative care conference in Berlin, Germany.

March 2014 :   Understanding the experience of living with advanced heart failure in Uganda. Palliative care conference Harrogate UK.

March 2012:   “Experience of undergraduates Nursing and Postgraduate Medical students during a one week’s clinical placement in a hospital palliative care unit. Palliative Care Congress in New Castle UK.

May 2011:  “Factors affecting choice of place of care at end of life.”  “Attitudes to use of morphine among health care workers.” European Association for Palliative Care Conference held in Lisbon, Portugal

May 2011: “Barriers to Oral Morphine Use in hospital setting in Uganda.” European Association for Palliative Care Conference held in Lisbon, Portugal

Research Support

Ongoing research support

1.       Mixed methods research to understand the needs and lived experiences of people with chronic disease among the refugee and host communities of Obongi district   and the experiences of Village Health Teams workers in providing palliative care in Obongi and Adjumani districts. Funded by DFID SCFF. Role : co-investigator

2.        End of Life in PLACE - Choice of where we die: a classification reform to discern diversity in individual end of life pathways. Collaborative research with the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Funded by European Research Council (ERC-2020-SSTG).  Role : Co-investigator

3.       Supporting undergraduate nurses’ education needs. Funded by Worldwide Universities Network. Collaborative research with University of Sheffield UK.  Role: Co-Investigator  project  started 2023

4.        Integration of outcome measurement into routine palliative care to drive person-centredness and quality in Uganda: Collaborative research with APCA, Kings College London, and University of CapeTown SA. Role :Co-Investigator project started January 2023


Completed research

1. Understanding data and information needs for palliative care to target mobile phone-based intervention development in Uganda and Zimbabwe. Collaborative research with University of Leeds. Funded by medical research council UK . Role:  Co-Investigator

2. Integrating palliative care into national health systems in Africa: a multi-country intervention study. Collaborative research with University of Edinburgh Funded by THET. Role : Co-investigator

3. Palliative care in the emergency ward setting in Uganda. Funded by Yale university global health program

4. Improving Palliative care for heart failure. PhD award, Funded by Charles Darwin scholarship and Lennie Gordon bursary from the University of Edinburgh and Diana Princess of wales Fund  Role: Principal Investigator

5. Predictors of treatment failure among tuberculosis patients in Mulago hospital, Master of medicine Research. Funded by Fogarty International Center /Ellison Medical Foundation at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Role : Principal Investigator

Positions and employment

Jan 2024 to date                           Lecturer Department Internal Medicine Makerere University    College of Heath Science

2017 to 2023:                                 Physician Palliative care Education and Research Consortium (part-time) working with the Department of Medicine Makerere college of Health sciences

2018-2019:                                     Part-time lecturer Makerere University College of Health sciences

July 2018-Jan 2019 :                     Volunteer Physician Intensive care Unit Mulago hospital

September 2008 to 2016:           Physician Palliative Medicine Unit Department of Medicine,   

                                                          College of Health Sciences.

2013 to 2015:                                Honorary Senior lecturer Department of Medicine, College of Health Sciences.

March –August 2008:                 Specialist Registrar, Hospice Africa Uganda.

2007:                                               Volunteer medical officer TB and TB/HIV clinics,

                                                         Mulago Hospital.

2007-2008:                                    Locum medical officer Joint Clinical Research Centre Kampala.

2004- June 2007:                         Resident, Internal Medicine at Makerere University.

2001- July 2004:                           Medical officer, Lubaga Hospital, Kampala Uganda

1999-2000:                                   Intern doctor, Departments of Internal Medicine and Surgery  

                                                        Lubaga hospital, Kampala       

Professional memberships and responsibilities

2000 -present                              Member of Uganda Medical and Dental practitioners Council

2016 –present                             Member of Association of Physicians of Uganda

2016 –present                             fellow of the Eastern and central and South African college of  

                                                         Physicians (ESCACOP)

2010 –present                             Member of the Palliative care association of Uganda

2010-present                               Member of the African Palliative care Association

2019 -present                              Member of the Uganda Medical association



Other academic and professional responsibilities

2011 -present                            honorary lecturer Hospice Africa Uganda

2010-2015                                 Course co-coordinator Integrated Medicine, Department of   

                                                     Medicine, Makerere University

2008-present                             Course co- coordinator Critical care Medicine and Palliative care

                                                      Medicine, Department of medicine Makerere University

2008- present                            course co-coordinator Medical specials , department of medicine

                                                    Makerere University

2018-Present                             Member of the Hospice Africa Uganda ethics and research  


2019-present                             member of the Uganda Cancer Institute ethics and research


2021-present                             honorary research associate, division of cancer sciences

                                                     school of Medical sciences, University of Manchester

January 2022-present              Part time senior researcher Coimbra University Portugal


Peer review:

      2015                                      Reviewer, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases

      2017                                       Reviewer, British Journal of Medicine and Medical research.

      2017                                       Reviewer, BMC palliative care.

2017                                                 Reviewer, Journal of Global Oncology

      2022                                       Reviewer, Africa Health Sciences

Conferences organized:

2021 : Member of scientific committee 3rd Uganda conference on cancer and palliative care

2017 : Member of the scientific committee of the Uganda Cancer Institute-Palliative care Association of Uganda joint international conference

2022: Member of the scientific committee for the 7th International African Palliative care association Conference due in August 2022


Honors and awards

2019:  IAHPC travel scholarship one of the 11 awards in 2019 given for people from low income countries to make an abstract presentation at the European association of Palliative care congress   in Berlin , Germany.                                                     

2011: Charles Darwin scholarship, Lennie Gordon bursary and Diana Princes of Wales bursary to do PhD at the University of Edinburgh.

2008-2009: scholarship from the University College London in UK and the Open Society Institute in America to support implementation and training of palliative medicine in Uganda

2008: Scholarship from the Irish hospice Foundation to the Research Summer School at Lancaster University

2005-2006: scholarship to do certified course in Introduction to epidemiology and research methods organized by the Fogarty International Center /Ellison Medical Foundation at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.


I am involved in offering patient care and hospice services by following up patients in the community through Hospice Africa Uganda.

Member of the organising committee for Nyenga seminary centenary celebrations due in 2024.

Served as a member of the clinical Ethics committee of Mulago hospital 2011

Member of good Samaritans Gaba Catholic church.



1.    Prof. Ponsiano Ocama Department of Medicine Makerere College of Health Sciences

P.O Box 7072 Kampala. Email: ponsiano.ocama@gmail.com . Telephone number 0772421190

2.   Prof.Kaddu Mukasa Mark Department of Medicine Makerere College of Health Sciences

      P.O Box 7072 Kampala., Email: kaddumark@yahoo.co.uk

3. Dr.Nakiyingi Lydia Senior lecturer Department of Medicine Makerere College of Health  Sciences          P.O Box 7072 Kampala.  Email:   lydiakiyingi@gmail.com . Telephone number 0772468045



Namukwaya Elizabeth MBchB, MMed, PhD



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Information about journal articles, updated at 09-03-2025, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.

EOLinPLACE: an international research project to reform the way dying places are classified and understood

Elizabeth Namukwaya; Andrea Bruno de Sousa; Sílvia Lopes; Dorothea Petra Touwen; Jenny Theodora van der Steen; Emmanuelle Bélanger; Joanna Brooks; et al, Palliative Care and Social Practice. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1177/26323524231222498 . 10.1177/26323524231222498 . Palliative Care and Social Practice

Virologic Nonsuppression Among Patients With HIV Newly Diagnosed With Cancer at Uganda Cancer Institute: A Cross-Sectional Study

Geraldine Kauma; Henry Ddungu; Isaac Ssewanyana; Sharon Nyesiga; Naghib Bogere; Teddy Namulema-Diiro; Pauline Byakika-Kibwika; Elizabeth Namukwaya; Harriet Mayanja Kizza, JCO Global Oncology. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1200/GO.22.00262 . 10.1200/GO.22.00262 . JCO Global Oncology

“From the Time You Start With them Until the Lord Calls You”: A Qualitative Study on the Experiences and Expectations of People Living with Advanced Cancer Interacting With Palliative Care Services in Uganda, Nigeria and Zimbabwe

Elizabeth Namukwaya; Elizabeth Nabirye; Adlight Dandadzi; David Akeju; Samuel Adejoh; Eve Namisango; Kennedy Nkhoma; Bassey Ebenso; Matthew J Allsop, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2022.08.022 . 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2022.08.022 . Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Comparison of the health-related quality of life of end stage kidney disease patients on hemodialysis and non-hemodialysis management in Uganda

BMC Palliative Care. 1. 20. 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12904-021-00743-0 . 10.1186/s12904-021-00743-0 . BMC Palliative Care

The role, impact, and support of informal caregivers in the delivery of palliative care for patients with advanced cancer: A multi-country qualitative study

Palliative Medicine. 552 - 562. 3. 35. 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0269216320974925 . 10.1177/0269216320974925 . Palliative Medicine

Stakeholder perspectives and requirements to guide the development of digital technology for palliative cancer services: a multi-country, cross-sectional, qualitative study in Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe

BMC Palliative Care. 1. 20. 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12904-020-00694-y . 10.1186/s12904-020-00694-y . BMC Palliative Care

Understanding data and information needs for palliative cancer care to inform digital health intervention development in Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe: protocol for a multicountry qualitative study

BMJ Open. 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032166 . 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032166 . BMJ Open

The Experiences of Palliative Care Specialists in Implementing Palliative Care into Their Work Settings in Lusaka, Zambia

Health. 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/health.2019.1112126 . 10.4236/health.2019.1112126 . Health

Multidimensional needs of patients living and dying with heart failure in Kenya: a serial interview study

BMC Palliative Care. 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12904-018-0284-6 . 10.1186/s12904-018-0284-6 . BMC Palliative Care

End-of-Life Palliative Care Practices and Referrals in Uganda

Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1089/jpm.2017.0257 . 10.1089/jpm.2017.0257 . Journal of Palliative Medicine

Faith and palliative care: a partnership of care in low- and middle-income countries

Development in Practice. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09614524.2017.1330400 . 10.1080/09614524.2017.1330400 . Development in Practice

What is known about heart failure in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review of the English literature

BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjspcare-2015-000924 . 10.1136/bmjspcare-2015-000924 . BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care

Improving care for people with heart failure in Uganda: serial in-depth interviews with patients’ and their health care professionals

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Cancer and palliative care in Africa

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Chemotherapy Use at the End of Life in Uganda

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Integrating palliative care into national health systems in Africa: a multi–country intervention study

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‘I think my body has become addicted to those tablets’. Chronic heart failure patients’ understanding of and beliefs about their illness and its treatment: A qualitative longitudinal study from Uganda

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A palliative care link nurse programme in Mulago Hospital, Uganda: an evaluation using mixed methods

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Understanding Models of Palliative Care Delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa: Learning From Programs in Kenya and Malawi

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Diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology in providing a diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy among HIV-infected patients

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Palliative Care Research in Africa: Consensus Building for a Prioritized Agenda

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Provision of palliative care for life-limiting disease in a low income country national hospital setting: how much is needed?

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Palliative care in Africa since 2005: good progress, but much further to go

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Predictors of treatment failure among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Mulago hospital, Uganda

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Cancer Pain Management in Resource-Limited Settings: A Practice Review

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Disparities in the Contribution of Low- and Middle-Income Countries to Palliative Care Research

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