Postdoctoral Researchers Representatives
CiBB Postdoctoral Researchers are all the researchers who have received a doctoral degree, belong to a research group of the CiBB R&D unit and are employed through a temporary appointment of any nature (e.g fellowships, contracts under the law DL57/2017, fixed-term contract, among others). With this aim in mind, the CiBB Postdoc Representatives Committee pledges to ensure the representation of its members in the scientific council of the CiBB, promote and support the organization of seminars, workshops, symposia, conferences and activities of science communication, promote informal scientific and social activities to facilitate the interaction between CiBB postdoctoral researchers and support other activities proposed by CiBB postdoctoral researchers.
Future initiatives (2023-2025)
- Participation in “Welcome day CNC”;
- Participation in iCBR seminars;
- Organization of Meet my Science - Seminars for PhD and Postdocs of CiBB;
- Organization of Well-Being for scientists II;
- Organization of Meet our job - Seminars/ meeting with companies for career development.
Former members
2021-2023: Catarina Miranda (IT), Ivan Salazar (N&D), Mafalda Laranjo (MAD), Raquel Esteves (N&D), Filipe Rodrigues (IT) and Susana Alarico (IT)
2019-2021: Ludgero Tavares (MAD), Sónia Correia (MAD), Mafalda Laranjo (MAD), Ivan Salazar (N&D), Catarina Seabra (N&D) and Gladys Caldeira (N&D)
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PhD Students Representatives
The CiBB PhD students' representatives aim to serve as the representative body of the CiBB PhD students working at the CiBB. Therefore, the team ensures the representation of its members in the scientific council of the CiBB, promotes the organization of seminars, workshops, science communication activities, and informal scientific and social activities to facilitate the interaction between CiBB PhD students.
Future initiatives (2023-2025)
- Participation in “Welcome day CNC”;
- Participation in iCBR seminars;
- Organization of seminars for PhD students;
- Organization of activities to promote interaction between doctoral students.
Former initiatives
- Organization of seminar "Financial Literacy for Dummies";
- Organization of seminar "Mental Health during the PhD";
- Solidarity collections for Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra, and Associação Acreditar (in collaboration with Académica Start UC).
Former members
2022-2023: Bárbara Santos (N&D), Beatriz Martins (N&D), Carina Henriques (IT), João Novo (IT), Luís Grilo (MAD) and Maria Cardoso (MAD).
2019-2021: David Ramos (TI), João Calmeiro (N&D), João Gonçalves (N&D), Mariana Laranjo (N&D), Rita Sá Ferreira (MAD) and Rui Simões (MAD)