Information about journal articles, updated at 02-03-2025, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.
The rise of home death in the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based study of death certificate data for adults from 32 countries, 2012-2021.
Lopes S; Bruno de Sousa A; Delalibera M; Namukwaya E; Cohen J; Gomes B, EClinicalMedicine. 2024. . 10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.102399 . EClinicalMedicine
EOLinPLACE: an international research project to reform the way dying places are classified and understood.
Namukwaya E; de Sousa AB; Lopes S; Touwen DP; van der Steen JT; Bélanger E; Brooks J; et al, Palliative care and social practice. 2024. . 10.1177/26323524231222498 . Palliative care and social practice
Forecasted Dementia Prevalence in Portugal (2020-2080).
Alves S; Duarte N; Gomes B, Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology. 2024. . 10.1177/08919887241237220 . Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology
Adapting, implementing and evaluating a navigation intervention for older people with cancer and their family caregivers in six countries in Europe: the Horizon Europe-funded EU NAVIGATE project.
Miranda R; Smets T; Pivodic L; Chambaere K; Pesut B; Duggleby W; Onwuteaka-Philipsen BD; et al, Palliative care and social practice. 2024. . 10.1177/26323524241288873 . Palliative care and social practice
Implementation and evaluation of a navigation program for people with cancer in old age and their family caregivers: study protocol for the EU NAVIGATE International Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial.
Smets T; Pivodic L; Miranda R; Van Campe F; Vinckier C; Pesut B; Duggleby W; et al, Trials. 2024. . 10.1186/s13063-024-08633-5 . Trials
Aggressiveness of Care at the End of Life of Children Dying with Cancer in Public Hospitals-A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study.
Cardoso AL; Del Nero LG; Martins-Branco D; Lacerda A; Gomes B; Lopes S, Journal of palliative medicine. 2024. . 10.1089/jpm.2024.0179 . Journal of palliative medicine
Symptom burden, service use and care dissatisfaction among older adults with cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, dementia and neurological disease during the last 3 months before death: A pooled analysis of mortality follow-back surveys
Mitsunori Miyashita; Catherine Evans; Deokee Yi; Barbara Gomes, Palliative Medicine. 582 - 592. 5. 38. 2024. . 10.1177/02692163241246049 . Palliative Medicine
Feasibility and effectiveness of a two-tiered intervention involving training and a new consultation model for patients with palliative care needs in primary care: A before-after study.
Seiça Cardoso C; Prazeres F; Oliveiros B; Nunes C; Simões P; Aires C; Rita P; et al, Palliative medicine. 2024. . 10.1177/02692163231219682 . Palliative medicine
Patient and Family Preferences About Place of End-of-Life Care and Death: An Umbrella Review.
Pinto S; Lopes S; de Sousa AB; Delalibera M; Gomes B, Journal of pain and symptom management. 2024. . 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2024.01.014 . Journal of pain and symptom management
Non-pharmacological interventions in primary care to improve the quality of life of older patients with palliative care needs: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials.
Seiça Cardoso C; Rita Matos J; Prazeres F; Gomes B, BMJ open. 2023. . 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073950 . BMJ open
Preferences about place of end-of-life care and death of patients with life-threatening illnesses and their families: a protocol for an umbrella review.
Pinto S; Lopes S; Bruno de Sousa A; Gomes B, BMJ open. 2023. . 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-066374 . BMJ open
Evaluation of a Dementia Training Course for Staff of a Center of Dementia Care.
Duarte N; Alves S; Gomes B, Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders. 2023. . 10.1159/000529856 . Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders
The needs of children receiving end of life care and the impact of a paediatric palliative care team: a retrospective cohort study.
Nogueira A; Correia D; Loureiro M; Gomes B; Cancelinha C, European journal of pediatrics. 2022. . 10.1007/s00431-022-04683-6 . European journal of pediatrics
Non-pharmacological interventions in primary care to improve the quality of life of older patients with palliative care needs: a systematic review protocol.
Seiça Cardoso C; Monteiro-Soares M; Rita Matos J; Prazeres F; Martins C; Gomes B, BMJ open. 2022. . 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-060517 . BMJ open
Palliative medicine in the emergency department: symptom control and aggressive care.
de Oliveira R; Lobato CB; Maia-Moço L; Santos M; Neves S; Matos MF; Cardoso R; et al, BMJ supportive & palliative care. 2021. . 10.1136/bmjspcare-2021-003332 . BMJ supportive & palliative care
Family Physicians' Perspectives on Their Role in Palliative Care: A Double Focus Group in Portugal.
Cardoso CS; Prazeres F; Xavier B; Gomes B, International journal of environmental research and public health. 2021. . 10.3390/ijerph18147282 . International journal of environmental research and public health
Community-based short-term integrated palliative and supportive care reduces symptom distress for older people with chronic noncancer conditions compared with usual care: A randomised controlled single-blind mixed method trial.
Evans CJ; Bone AE; Yi D; Gao W; Morgan M; Taherzadeh S; Maddocks M; et al, International journal of nursing studies. 2021. . 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2021.103978 . International journal of nursing studies
Emergency department and hospital utilisation and expenditures in the last year of life: retrospective chronic diseases cohort study.
Antunes A; Gomes B; Campos L; Coelho M; Lopes S, BMJ supportive & palliative care. 2021. . 10.1136/bmjspcare-2021-003103 . BMJ supportive & palliative care
Resistance training in advanced cancer: a phase II safety and feasibility trial-home versus hospital.
Ribeiro C; Santos R; Correia P; Maddocks M; Gomes B, BMJ supportive & palliative care. 2020. . 10.1136/bmjspcare-2020-002230 . BMJ supportive & palliative care
The burden of serious health-related suffering among cancer decedents: Global projections study to 2060.
Sleeman KE; Gomes B; de Brito M; Shamieh O; Harding R, Palliative medicine. 2020. . 10.1177/0269216320957561 . Palliative medicine
Hospitalizations at the End of Life Among Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Lung Cancer Patients: A Nationwide Study.
Costa AR; Lunet N; Martins-Branco D; Gomes B; Lopes S, Journal of pain and symptom management. 2020. . 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2020.11.015 . Journal of pain and symptom management
Factors associated with the aggressiveness of care at the end of life for patients with cancer dying in hospital: a nationwide retrospective cohort study in mainland Portugal.
Martins-Branco D; Lopes S; Canario R; Freire J; Feio M; Ferraz-Goncalves J; Sousa G; Lunet N; Gomes B, ESMO open. 2020. . 10.1136/esmoopen-2020-000953 . ESMO open
Portugal needs to revolutionise end-of-life care
Gomes, Barbara; de Brito, Maja; de Lacerda, Ana Forjaz; Soares, Duarte, The Lancet. 495 - 496. 10223. 395. 2020. . 10.1016/s0140-6736(19)32969-1 . The Lancet
Do patients, families, and healthcare teams benefit from the integration of palliative care in burn intensive care units? Results from a systematic review with narrative synthesis
Barbara Gomes, Palliative Medicine. 2019. . 10.1177/0269216319862160 . Palliative Medicine
The escalating global burden of serious health-related suffering
Katherine Sleeman; Maja de Brito; Simon Noah Etkind; Kennedy Nkhoma; Ping Guo; Irene J. Higginson; Barbara Gomes; Richard Harding, The Lancet Global Health. e883 - e892. 7. 7. 2019. . 10.1016/S2214-109X(19)30172-X . The Lancet Global Health
The impact of population ageing on end-of-life care in Scotland: projections of place of death and recommendations for future service provision.
Finucane AM; Bone AE; Evans CJ; Gomes B; Meade R; Higginson IJ; Murray SA, BMC palliative care. 2019. . 10.1186/s12904-019-0490-x . BMC palliative care
The Quadruple Helix-Based Innovation Model of Reference Sites for Active and Healthy Ageing in Europe: The Ageing@Coimbra Case Study.
Malva JO; Amado A; Rodrigues A; Mota-Pinto A; Cardoso AF; Teixeira AM; Todo-Bom A; et al, Frontiers in medicine. 2018. . 10.3389/fmed.2018.00132 . Frontiers in medicine
Insights into the factors associated with achieving the preference of home death in terminal cancer: A national population-based study
Barbara Gomes, Palliative and Supportive Care. 2018. . 10.1017/s1478951517000876 . Palliative and Supportive Care
Factors associated with older people's emergency department attendance towards the end of life
Anna E Bone; Catherine Evans; Simon Noah Etkind; Katherine Sleeman; Barbara Gomes; Melissa Aldridge; Jeff Keep; Julia Verne; Irene J Higginson, European journal of public health. 67 - 74. 1. 29. 2018. . 10.1093/eurpub/cky241 . European journal of public health
Risk factors for hospital death in conditions needing palliative care: Nationwide population-based death certificate study
Barbara Gomes, Palliative Medicine. 2018. . 10.1177/0269216317743961 . Palliative Medicine
What is the impact of population ageing on the future provision of end-of-life care?
Anna E Bone; Barbara Gomes; Simon Noah Etkind; Julia Verne; Fliss Murtagh; Catherine J Evans; Irene J. Higginson, Palliative Medicine. 329 - 336. 2. 32. 2018. . 10.1177/0269216317734435 . Palliative Medicine
Which patients with advanced respiratory disease die in hospital? A 14-year population-based study of trends and associated factors
Barbara Gomes, BMC Medicine. 2017. . 10.1186/s12916-016-0776-2 . BMC Medicine
Trends in cause and place of death for children in Portugal (a European country with no Paediatric palliative care) during 1987–2011: a population-based study
Barbara Gomes, BMC Pediatrics. 2017. . 10.1186/s12887-017-0970-1 . BMC Pediatrics
Valuing attributes of home palliative care with service users
Barbara Gomes; Maja de Brito; Vera P Sarmento; Deokhee Yi; Duarte Soares; Jacinta Fernandes; Bruno Fonseca; et al, Journal of pain and symptom management. 2017. . 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2017.05.005 . Journal of pain and symptom management
How many people will need palliative care in 2040? Past trends, future projections and implications for services
Simon Noah Etkind; A. E. Bone; Barbara Gomes; N. Lovell; Catherine Evans; Irene J. Higginson; Fliss Murtagh, BMC Medicine. 1. 15. 2017. . 10.1186/s12916-017-0860-2 . BMC Medicine
Home palliative care works: but how? A meta-ethnography of the experiences of patients and family caregivers.
Sarmento VP; Gysels M; Higginson IJ; Gomes B, 2017. . 10.1136/bmjspcare-2016-001141 .
Past trends and projections of hospital deaths to inform the integration of palliative care in one of the most ageing countries in the world.
Sarmento VP; Higginson IJ; Ferreira PL; Gomes B, 2016. . 10.1177/0269216315594974 .
The clinical academic palliative care forum gives a boost to local research in northern Portugal
De Brito, M.; Fonseca, B.; Gomes, B., European Journal of Palliative Care. 90 - 93. 2. 23. 2016. . European Journal of Palliative Care
Factors Associated with Participation, Active Refusals and Reasons for Not Taking Part in a Mortality Followback Survey Evaluating End-of-Life Care.
Calanzani N; Higginson IJ; Koffman J; Gomes B, 2016. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0146134 .
Home care by general practitioners for cancer patients in the last 3 months of life: An epidemiological study of quality and associated factors.
Pivodic L; Harding R; Calanzani N; McCrone P; Hall S; Deliens L; Higginson IJ; Gomes B; EURO IMPACT, 2016. . 10.1177/0269216315589213 .
Factors associated with aggressive end of life cancer care.
Henson LA; Gomes B; Koffman J; Daveson BA; Higginson IJ; Gao W; BuildCARE, 2016. . 10.1007/s00520-015-2885-4 .
The intensity of caregiving is a more important predictor of adverse bereavement outcomes for adult-child than spousal caregivers of patients who die of cancer.
McLean S; Gomes B; Higginson IJ, 2016. . 10.1002/pon.4132 .
Effectiveness of Emergency Department Based Palliative Care for Adults with Advanced Disease: A Systematic Review.
da Silva Soares D; Nunes CM; Gomes B, 2016. . 10.1089/jpm.2015.0369 .
Factors Associated with Transition from Community Settings to Hospital as Place of Death for Adults Aged 75 and Older: A Population-Based Mortality Follow-Back Survey.
Bone AE; Gao W; Gomes B; Sleeman KE; Maddocks M; Wright J; Yi D; et al, 2016. . 10.1111/jgs.14442 .
[What influences end-of-life decisions? Results of a representative German survey].
Fegg M; Lehner M; Simon ST; Gomes B; Higginson IJ; Bausewein C, 2015. . 10.1007/s00103-015-2219-1 .
Non-cancer palliative care in the community needs greater interprofessional collaboration to maintain coordinated care and manage uncertainty.
de Brito M; Gomes B, 2015. . 10.1136/eb-2014-102029 .
Palliative care: if it makes a difference, why wait?
Gomes B, 2015. . 10.1200/JCO.2014.60.5386 .
Factors Associated With End of Life Transition for Older Adults Living At Home: Analysis of Carers' Post-Bereavement Survey
Catherine Evans; a. Bone; Deokhee Yi; Barbara Gomes; Matthew Maddocks; Katherine Sleeman; J. Wright; P. Mc Crone; Irene J. Higginson, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. 116 - 116. 1. 5. 2015. . 10.1136/bmjspcare-2014-000838.37 . BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care
Is dying in hospital better than home in incurable cancer and what factors influence this? A population-based study.
Gomes B; Calanzani N; Koffman J; Higginson IJ, 2015. . 10.1186/s12916-015-0466-5 .
End-of-life care--what do cancer patients want?
Khan SA; Gomes B; Higginson IJ, 2014. . 10.1038/nrclinonc.2013.217 .
Benefits and costs of home palliative care compared with usual care for patients with advanced illness and their family caregivers.
Gomes B; Calanzani N; Higginson IJ, 2014. . 10.1001/jama.2014.553 .
Choosing care homes as the least preferred place to die: a cross-national survey of public preferences in seven European countries.
Calanzani N; Moens K; Cohen J; Higginson IJ; Harding R; Deliens L; Toscani F; et al, 2014. . 10.1186/1472-684X-13-48 .
Public preferences and priorities for end-of-life care in Kenya: a population-based street survey.
Downing J; Gomes B; Gikaara N; Munene G; Daveson BA; Powell RA; Mwangi-Powell FN; et al, 2014. . 10.1186/1472-684X-13-4 .
Priorities for treatment, care and information if faced with serious illness: A comparative population-based survey in seven European countries.
Higginson IJ; Gomes B; Calanzani N; Gao W; Bausewein C; Daveson BA; Deliens L; et al, 2013. . 10.1177/0269216313488989 .
Dying at home - is it better: A narrative appraisal of the state of the science.
Higginson IJ; Sarmento VP; Calanzani N; Benalia H; Gomes B, 2013. . 10.1177/0269216313487940 .
Learning from the public: citizens describe the need to improve end-of-life care access, provision and recognition across Europe.
Daveson BA; Alonso JP; Calanzani N; Ramsenthaler C; Gysels M; Antunes B; Moens K; et al, 2013. . 10.1093/eurpub/ckt029 .
Enabling patients to die where they wish with the best possible care
Gomes, B., European Journal of Palliative Care. 5. 20. 2013. . European Journal of Palliative Care
Cognitive interviewing of bereaved relatives to improve the measurement of health outcomes and care utilisation at the end of life in a mortality followback survey
Gomes, B.; McCrone, P.; Hall, S.; Riley, J.; Koffman, J.; Higginson, I.J., Supportive Care in Cancer. 2835 - 2844. 10. 21. 2013. . 10.1007/s00520-013-1848-x . Supportive Care in Cancer
If you had less than a year to live, would you want to know? A seven-country European population survey of public preferences for disclosure of poor prognosis
Harding, R.; Simms, V.; Calanzani, N.; Higginson, I.J.; Hall, S.; Gysels, M.; Meñaca, A.; et al, Psycho-Oncology. 2298 - 2305. 10. 22. 2013. . 10.1002/pon.3283 . Psycho-Oncology
'Burden to others' as a public concern in advanced cancer: A comparative survey in seven European countries
Bausewein, C.; Calanzani, N.; Daveson, B.A.; Simon, S.T.; Ferreira, P.L.; Higginson, I.J.; Bechinger-English, D.; et al, BMC Cancer. 13. 2013. . 10.1186/1471-2407-13-105 . BMC Cancer
Heterogeneity and changes in preferences for dying at home: A systematic review
Gomes, B.; Calanzani, N.; Gysels, M.; Hall, S.; Higginson, I.J., BMC Palliative Care. 1. 12. 2013. . 10.1186/1472-684X-12-7 . BMC Palliative Care
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of home palliative care services for adults with advanced illness and their caregivers.
Gomes B; Calanzani N; Curiale V; McCrone P; Higginson IJ, 2013. . 10.1002/14651858.CD007760.pub2 .
To be involved or not to be involved: A survey of public preferences for self-involvement in decision-making involving mental capacity (competency) within Europe
Daveson, B.A.; Bausewein, C.; Murtagh, F.E.M.; Calanzani, N.; Higginson, I.J.; Harding, R.; Cohen, J.; et al, Palliative Medicine. 418 - 427. 5. 27. 2013. . 10.1177/0269216312471883 . Palliative Medicine
Health metrics: Standardize records of place of death
Gomes, B., Nature. 7442. 495. 2013. . 10.1038/495449c . Nature
[Epidemiological study of place of death in Portugal in 2010 and comparison with the preferences of the Portuguese population].
Gomes B; Sarmento VP; Ferreira PL; Higginson IJ, 2013. .
Public Priorities and Preferences for End-of-Life Care in Namibia
Powell, R.A.; Namisango, E.; Gikaara, N.; Moyo, S.; Mwangi-Powell, F.N.; Gomes, B.; Harding, R., Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2013. . 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2013.04.004 . Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Neuberger review - Spotlight on care of the dying
Sleeman, K.E.; Murtagh, F.E.M.; Gomes, B., European Journal of Palliative Care. 5. 20. 2013. . European Journal of Palliative Care
Evidence on home palliative care: Charting past, present, and future at the cicely saunders institute - WHO collaborating centre for palliative care, policy and rehabilitation
Gomes, B.; Higginson, I.J., Progress in Palliative Care. 204 - 213. 4. 21. 2013. . 10.1179/1743291X13Y.0000000065 . Progress in Palliative Care
Public opinion on preferences and priorities for end-of-life care in sub-Saharan Africa: piloting a novel method of street surveying
Downing, J.; Gikaara, N.; Gomes, B.; Daveson, B.A.; Higginson, I.J.; Harding, R., BMJ supportive & palliative care. 72 - 74. 1. 2. 2012. . 10.1136/bmjspcare-2011-000112 . BMJ supportive & palliative care
Preferences for place of death if faced with advanced cancer: A population survey in England, Flanders, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain
Gomes, B.; Higginson, I.J.; Calanzani, N.; Cohen, J.; Deliens, L.; Daveson, B.A.; Bechinger-English, D.; et al, Annals of Oncology. 2006 - 2015. 8. 23. 2012. . 10.1093/annonc/mdr602 . Annals of Oncology
Population, mortality and place of death in Germany (1950-2050) - Implications for end-of-life care in the future
Simon, S.T.; Gomes, B.; Koeskeroglu, P.; Higginson, I.J.; Bausewein, C., Public Health. 937 - 946. 11. 126. 2012. . 10.1016/j.puhe.2012.06.014 . Public Health
Reversal of the British trends in place of death: Time series analysis 2004-2010
Gomes, B.; Calanzani, N.; Higginson, I.J., Palliative Medicine. 102 - 107. 2. 26. 2012. . 10.1177/0269216311432329 . Palliative Medicine
Bereaved relatives' views about participating in cancer research
Koffman, J.; Higginson, I.J.; Hall, S.; Riley, J.; McCrone, P.; Gomes, B., Palliative Medicine. 379 - 383. 4. 26. 2012. . 10.1177/0269216311405091 . Palliative Medicine
End-of-life care: Portugal in the European project PRISMA | Cuidados de fim de vida: Portugal no projeto europeu PRISMA
Lopes Ferreira, P.; Antunes, B.; Barros Pinto, A.; Gomes, B., Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica. 62 - 70. 1. 30. 2012. . 10.1016/j.rpsp.2012.04.001 . Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica
Research into end-of-life cancer care - Investment is needed
Sleeman, K.E.; Gomes, B.; Higginson, I.J., The Lancet. 9815. 379. 2012. . 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60230-X . The Lancet
How common are palliative care needs among older people who die in the emergency department?
Beynon, T.; Gomes, B.; Murtagh, F.E.M.; Glucksman, E.; Parfitt, A.; Burman, R.; Edmonds, P.; et al, Emergency Medicine Journal. 491 - 495. 6. 28. 2011. . 10.1136/emj.2009.090019 . Emergency Medicine Journal
Constructing understandings of end-of-life care in Europe: A qualitative study involving cognitive interviewing with implications for cross-national surveys
Daveson, B.A.; Bechinger-English, D.; Bausewein, C.; Simon, S.T.; Harding, R.; Higginson, I.J.; Gomes, B., Journal of Palliative Medicine. 343 - 349. 3. 14. 2011. . 10.1089/jpm.2010.0348 . Journal of Palliative Medicine
Variations in the quality and costs of end-of-life care, preferences and palliative outcomes for cancer patients by place of death: The QUALYCARE study
Gomes, B.; McCrone, P.; Hall, S.; Koffman, J.; Higginson, I.J., BMC Cancer. 10. 2010. . 10.1186/1471-2407-10-400 . BMC Cancer
Time to get it right: Are preferences for place of death more stable than we think?
Higginson, I.J.; Hall, S.; Koffman, J.; Riley, J.; Gomes, B., Palliative Medicine. 352 - 353. 3. 24. 2010. . 10.1177/0269216309360489 . Palliative Medicine
Optimal Approaches to the Health Economics of Palliative Care: Report of an International Think Tank
Gomes, B.; Harding, R.; Foley, K.M.; Higginson, I.J., Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 4 - 10. 1. 38. 2009. . 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2009.04.008 . Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of home palliative care services for adults with advanced illness and their caregivers
Gomes, B.; Higginson, I.J.; McCrone, P., Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2. 2009. . 10.1002/14651858.CD007760 . Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Research Priorities in Health Economics And Funding for Palliative Care: Views of an International Think Tank
Harding, R.; Gomes, B.; Foley, K.M.; Higginson, I.J., Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 11 - 14. 1. 38. 2009. . 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2009.04.013 . Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Where people die (1974-2030): Past trends, future projections and implications for care
Gomes, B.; Higginson, I.J., Palliative Medicine. 33 - 41. 1. 22. 2008. . 10.1177/0269216307084606 . Palliative Medicine
A comparison of symptom prevalence in far advanced cancer, AIDS, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and renal disease
Solano, J.P.; Gomes, B.; Higginson, I.J., Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 58 - 69. 1. 31. 2006. . 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2005.06.007 . Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
First international symposium on places of death: An agenda for the 21 st century
Kabengele Mpinga, E.; Pennec, S.; Gomes, B.; Cohen, J.; Higginson, I.J.; Wilson, D.; Rapin, C.-H., Journal of Palliative Care. 293 - 296. 4. 22. 2006. . Journal of Palliative Care
Factors influencing death at home in terminally ill patients with cancer: Systematic review
Gomes, B.; Higginson, I.J., British Medical Journal. 515 - 518. 7540. 332. 2006. . 10.1136/bmj.38740.614954.55 . British Medical Journal
Home or hospital? Choices at the end of life
Gomes, B.; Higginson, I.J., Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 413 - 414. 9. 97. 2004. . 10.1258/jrsm.97.9.413 . Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
5 87 out of 87 Publications
All projects
Information of exclusive responsibility of the researcher 02-03-2025 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.
2022 - 2027
EU-NAVIGATE Implementation and evaluation of a navigation intervention for people with cancer in old age and their family caregivers: an international pragmatic randomized controlled trial
Funders: European Commission
2022 - 2026
Choice of where we die: a classification reform to discern diversity in individual end of life pathways
Principal investigator
Funders: European Research Council
2018 - 2020
CARE Campus - Caregiving and Ageing Reimagined for Europe
Funders: EIT Health
2018 - 2018
Global burden of palliative care: understanding current and future needs
Funders: King's College London
2018 - 2020
CARE Campus - Caregiving and Ageing Reimagined for Europe
Funders: EIT Health
2011 - 2013
GUIDE_CARE - Geographical and temporal understanding in place of death in England
Funders: National Institute for Health Research
2010 - 2010
Understanding place of death for patients with non-malignant disease: a systematic literature review
Funders: National Institute for Health Research
2010 - 2016
OPT_CARE - Optimising palliative care for older people in community settings
Funders: National Institute for Health Research
2008 - 2011
PRISMA - European priorities for research and measurement in end of life care
Funders: European Commission
2005 - 2006
Improving end of life care for the elderly at the hospital community interface: an A&E audit
Principal investigator
Funders: Guy's and Saint Thomas' Charity
5 10 out of 10 projects
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