Inês Abrantes Cravo Roxo

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University of Coimbra, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, Doctoral Programme in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine (PDBEB), Portugal


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Information about journal articles, updated at 14-05-2024, from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.

Comunicação de ciência na prevenção de infecções. Apresentação do projecto ICATE, ramo tuberculose: conhecer para combater

Alarico, Susana; Richard Marques; Ana Santos-Carvalho; Angélica Carvalho; Roxo, Inês Abrantes Cravo; Patrícia Lourenço; Paulo Ferreira; Rui Soares; Sónia Ferreira, STEM+L - CIÊNCIA, TECNOLOGIA, ENGENHARIA E MATEMÁTICA, NA LÍNGUA QUE NOS UNE. 2021. published STEM+L - CIÊNCIA, TECNOLOGIA, ENGENHARIA E MATEMÁTICA, NA LÍNGUA QUE NOS UNE

Comparative genome sequence analysis of several species in the genus Tepidimonas and the description of a novel species Tepidimonas charontis sp. nov.

Albuquerque, Luciana; Castelhano, Nadine; Raposo, Pedro; Froufe, Hugo J. C.; Tiago, Igor; Severino, Rita; Roxo, Inês; et al, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 1596 - 1604. 3. 70. 2020. . 10.1099/ijsem.0.003942 . International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

ICATE: infection control awareness through education

Soares, R.; Carvalho, A.; Roxo, I.; Lourenço, P.; Ferreira, P.; Marques, R.; Alarico, S.; Ferreira, S., International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 73. 2018. . 10.1016/j.ijid.2018.04.3817 . International Journal of Infectious Diseases

Surveillance of ESBL-producers causing UTIs over a 6 year period

Roxo, I.; Ramalheira, E.; Ferreira, S., International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 73. 2018. . 10.1016/j.ijid.2018.04.3900 . International Journal of Infectious Diseases

Increasing macrolide resistance among Streptococcus agalactiae causing invasive disease in non-pregnant adults was driven by a single capsular-transformed lineage, Portugal, 2009 to 2015

Lopes, E.; Fernandes, T.; Machado, M.P.; Carriço, J.A.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Ramirez, M.; Martins, E.R.; et al, Eurosurveillance. 21. 23. 2018. . 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.21.1700473 . Eurosurveillance

Solimicrobium silvestre gen. Nov., sp. nov., isolated from alpine forest soil

Margesin, R.; Albuquerque, L.; Zhang, D.-C.; Froufe, H.J.C.; Severino, R.; Roxo, I.; Egas, C.; da Costa, M.S., International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2491 - 2498. 8. 68. 2018. . 10.1099/ijsem.0.002861 . International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Streptococcus pyogenes Causing Skin and Soft Tissue Infections Are Enriched in the Recently Emerged emm89 Clade 3 and Are Not Associated With Abrogation of CovRS

Pato, Catarina; Melo-Cristino, José; Ramirez, Mario; Friães, Ana, Frontiers in Microbiology. 9. 2018. . 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02372 . Frontiers in Microbiology

mcr-1 and blaKPC-3 in Escherichia coli Sequence Type 744 after Meropenem and Colistin Therapy, Portugal

Tacão, M.; Tavares, R.S.; Teixeira, P.; Roxo, I.; Ramalheira, E.; Ferreira, S.; Henriques, I., Emerging Infectious Diseases. 1419 - 1421. 8. 23. 2017. . 10.3201/eid2308.170162 . Emerging Infectious Diseases

Proteomic profile of susceptible and multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae using label-free and immunoproteomic strategies

Magalhães, S.; Aroso, M.; Roxo, I.; Ferreira, S.; Cerveira, F.; Ramalheira, E.; Ferreira, R.; Vitorino, R., Research in Microbiology. 222 - 233. 3. 168. 2017. . 10.1016/j.resmic.2016.12.002 . Research in Microbiology

Surveillance of ESBL-Producing Isolates Causing Urinary Tract Infections, in Elderly, in Aveiro, Portugal.

Magalhães, Sandra; Roxo, Inês; Ramalheira, Elmano José da Cruz; Ferreira, Sónia Cristina das Neves, Advances in Clinical and Medical Microbiology. 003. 1. 2016. Advances in Clinical and Medical Microbiology

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Information of exclusive responsibility of the researcher 14-05-2024 , from platform CIÊNCIAVITAE.


PEMI - Projecto de Estímulo à Mobilidade de Ideias



2017/09/01 - 2018/12/31

Metafluidics Project Metagenomic data analysis from extremophile environmental samples.


Master Student Fellow



ICATE - Infection Control Awareness Through Education



2014/07 - 2017/08




AstraZeneca AG

2014/07 - 2017/08

TEST International Project Tigecycline Europe Surveillance Trial



International Health Management Associates Inc

2014/07 - 2017/08

SMART - Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends



International Health Management Associates Inc

2014/07 - 2017/08

SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program



JMI Laboratories

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