Metabolism, Aging and Disease

Biology of Human Reproduction and Infertility




Stem Cells


Research lines

Infertility and gamete quality

Fertility preservation

Metabolism and stem cell fate

Contraception, endocrine disruptors and fertility

Science communication and outreach


The group works in close collaboration with the University Hospitals of Coimbra (CHUC), and performs research in both the basic biology of gametes and stem cells focusing on metabolism aspects, and translational projects related to Infertility, Assisted Reproduction and Fertility Preservation. The goal is to both understand the molecular mechanisms involved, and directly improve clinical procedures, including communicating with patients.

Research projects on the male side include the proteomics-based search for sperm biomarkers of unexplained infertility, and well as tools to monitor sperm quality. The group is also interested in the potential effect on male fertility of environmental contaminants that may act as endocrine disruptors, and in spermicide-based male contraception.

On the female side the two main projects involve using both human samples and animal models to perfect the cryopreservation of ovarian tissue for oncology patients, and molecular strategies to revert aging-related effects in oocytes.

The group also works on the metabolism of stem cells, and how the manipulation of metabolic pathways can modulate their behavior and properties, notably of pluripotent stem cells, with findings that may have relevance for embryo assessment in assisted reproduction.
Finally, the group is very involved in projects related to outreach, education and science communication activities, including co-creation initiatives specifically targeted to different audiences, focusing on issues related to metabolism-dependent aspects of human health.

Optimization of Platelet-Rich Plasma Preparation for Regenerative Medicine: Comparison of Different Anticoagulants and Resuspension Media

Alexandra Carvalho; Ana Filipa Ferreira; Maria Soares; Susana Santos; Patrícia Tomé; Juliana Machado-Simões; Ana Sofia Pais; et al, 2024. Bioengineering. 2024. . 10.3390/bioengineering11030209 . Bioengineering

Metabolic Derangement of Essential Transition Metals and Potential Antioxidant Therapies

Fontes, Adriana; Jauch, Adrian T.; Sailer, Judith; Engler, Jonas; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Zischka, Hans, 2024. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 14. 25. 2024. . 10.3390/ijms25147880 . published International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Isolation of Extracellular Vesicles from Human Follicular Fluid: Size-Exclusion Chromatography versus Ultracentrifugation

Maria Soares; Maria M. Pinto; Rui Jorge Nobre; Luís Pereira de Almeida; Maria da Graça Rasteiro; Teresa Almeida-Santos; João Ramalho-Santos; Ana Paula Sousa, 2023. Biomolecules. 2023. . 10.3390/biom13020278 . Biomolecules

In Vitro Evaluation of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds Derived from Cuttlefish Bone Coated with Poly(ester urea) for Bone Tissue Regeneration

Patrícia Pereira; Ana S. Neto; Ana S. Rodrigues; Inês Barros; Catarina Miranda; João Ramalho-Santos; Luís Pereira de Almeida; et al, 2023. Polymers. 2023. . 10.3390/polym15102256 . Polymers

Low responders may benefit from undergoing ovarian stimulation with a long GnRH agonist protocol with corifollitropin alfa followed by hMG.

Ferreira AF; Pais AS; Sousa AP; Cortesão P; Almeida-Santos T, 2023. JBRA assisted reproduction. 2023. . 10.5935/1518-0557.20230001 . JBRA assisted reproduction

Aging and oocyte competence: A molecular cell perspective

Ferreira, Ana Filipa; Soares, Maria; Almeida-Santos, Teresa; Ramalho-Santos, Joao; Sousa, Ana Paula, 2023. WIREs Mechanisms of Disease. 2023. . 10.1002/WSBM.1613 . WIREs Mechanisms of Disease

New Insights on Sperm Function in Male Infertility of Unknown Origin: A Multimodal Approach

Rita I. Pacheco; Maria I. Cristo; Sandra Anjo; Silva, Andreia F; Maria Inês Sousa; Renata S. Tavares; Ana Paula Sousa; et al, 2023. Biomolecules. 2023. . 10.3390/biom13101462 . Biomolecules

Taking care of science: Towards better communication and societal engagement

João Ramalho-Santos, 2023. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2023. . 10.1111/eci.13966 . European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Association Between Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Receptor (FSHR) rs6166 and Estrogen Receptor 1 (ESR1) rs2234693 Polymorphisms and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Risk, Phenotype, and Reproductive Outcomes in an Infertile Portuguese Population

Inês H Vieira; Alexandra F Carvalho; Sandra Almeida Reis; Ana L Carreira; Conceição Dias; Silvana Fernandes; Ana Filipa Ferreira; et al, 2023. Cureus. 2023. . 10.7759/cureus.35690 . Cureus

The Forgotten

Ramalho-Santos, Joao, 2023. Nature. 2023. . 10.1038/D41586-023-01556-2 . Nature

Isolation of Extracellular Vesicles from Human Follicular Fluid: Size-Exclusion Chromatography versus Ultracentrifugation

Maria Soares; Maria M. Pinto; Rui Jorge Nobre; Luís Pereira de Almeida; Maria da Graça Rasteiro; Teresa Almeida-Santos; João Ramalho-Santos; Ana Paula Sousa, 2023. Biomolecules. 2023. . 10.3390/biom13020278 . Biomolecules

A Healthy Liver Will Always Deliver: Impact Study of a Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Awareness Comic

Alemany-Pagès, Mireia; Tavares, Rui; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2023. Health Communication. 1 - 6. 2023. . 10.1080/10410236.2023.2215908 . published Health Communication

Comics in Science and Health Communication: Insights From Mutual Collaboration and Framing a Research Practice

Tavares, Rui; Alemany-Pagès, Mireia; Araújo, Sara; Cohn, Neil; Ramalho-Santos, João; Azul, Anabela Marisa, 2023. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 22. 2023. . 10.1177/16094069231183118 . International Journal of Qualitative Methods

A Healthy Liver Will Always Deliver: Impact Study of a Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Awareness Comic

Mireia Alemany-Pagès; Rui Tavares; Anabela Marisa Azul; João Ramalho-Santos, 2023. Health Communication. 2023. . 10.1080/10410236.2023.2215908 . Health Communication

Association Between Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Receptor (FSHR) rs6166 and Estrogen Receptor 1 (ESR1) rs2234693 Polymorphisms and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Risk, Phenotype, and Reproductive Outcomes in an Infertile Portuguese Population

Vieira, Ines H.; Carvalho, Alexandra F.; Reis, Sandra Almeida; Carreira, Ana L.; Dias, Conceicao; Fernandes, Silvana; Ferreira, Ana Filipa; et al, 2023. Cureus. 2023. . 10.7759/CUREUS.35690 . Cureus

Mitochondria as biological targets for stem cell and organismal senescence

Branco, Ana; Moniz, Ines; Ramalho-Santos, Jao, 2023. European Journal of Cell Biology. 2023. . 10.1016/J.EJCB.2023.151289 . European Journal of Cell Biology

Aging and oocyte competence: A molecular cell perspective

Ana Filipa Ferreira; Maria Soares; Teresa Almeida-Santos; João Ramalho-Santos; Ana Paula Sousa, 2023. WIREs Mechanisms of Disease. 2023. . 10.1002/wsbm.1613 . WIREs Mechanisms of Disease

Why some couples can not have children

Amaral, Sandra; Escada-Rebelo, S.; Cristo, Maria I.; Ramalho-Santos, João; Varela Amaral, Sara; Silva, Andreia, 2023. Frontiers for young minds. 1107336. 11. 2023. doi: 10.3389/frym.2023.1107336 . published Frontiers for young minds

Prevalence and impact of antisperm antibodies in semen quality and male reproductive health aspects: a 10-year retrospective study

Silva, Andreia; Amaral, Sandra; Ramalho-Santos, João; Schlatt, S.; Schubert, Maria; Kliesch, Sabine, 2023. Fertility and Sterility. 2023. submitted Fertility and Sterility

New Insights on Sperm Function in Male Infertility of Unknown Origin: A Multimodal Approach

Pacheco, Rita I.; Cristo, Maria I.; Anjo, Sandra I.; Silva, Andreia F.; Sousa, Maria Inês; Tavares, Renata S.; Sousa, Ana Paula; et al, 2023. Biomolecules. 10. 13. 2023. . 10.3390/biom13101462 . published Biomolecules

New insights on sperm function in male infertility of unknown origin: a multimodal approach

Pacheco, Rita; Cristo, Maria I., 2023. Biomolecules . 10. 13. 2023. . Biomolecules 2023, 13(10), 1462; . published Biomolecules

Metabolic characterization of human sperm cells using the Seahorse metabolic flux analyzer

Freitas-Martins, Artur; Cristo, Maria I.; Sousa, Maria Inês; Ramalho-Santos, João; Amaral, Sandra, 2023. Andrology . 2023. DOI:10.1111/andr.13486 . published Andrology

Leucine and Arginine Availability Modulate Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Proliferation and Metabolism

Bibiana Correia; Maria Inês Sousa; Ana Filipa Branco; Ana Sofia Rodrigues; João Ramalho-Santos, 2022. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022. . 10.3390/ijms232214286 . International Journal of Molecular Sciences

It takes two to tango: The involvement of certain environmental endocrine-disrupting chemicals in male infertility aetiology

Tavares, R.; Alfaiate, M. I.; Carola, C.; Antonio Santos, R.; Sousa, A. P.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2022. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2022. . European Journal of Clinical Investigation

A healthy liver will always deliver: development of a NAFLD awareness comic

Mireia Alemany-Pagès; Rui Tavares; Anabela Marisa Azul; João Ramalho-Santos, 2022. Health Promotion International. 2022. . 10.1093/heapro/daac165 . Health Promotion International

Proteomic approach to the characterization of unknown origin male infertility

Cristo, M. I.; Pacheco, R.; Silva, A. F.; Sousa, A. P.; Moura-Ramos, M.; Almeida-Santos; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Amaral, 2022. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2022. . European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Cumulus cells mitochondrial membrane potential as a marker of oocyte competence in assisted reproduction

Reis, S.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Sousa, A. P., 2022. Human Reproduction. 2022. . Human Reproduction

Spatiotemporal dynamics of SIRT 1, 2 and 3 during in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes

Ferreira, Ana Filipa; Machado-Simoes, Juliana; Soares, Maria; Sousa, Ana Paula; Ramalho-Santos, Joao; Almeida-Santos, Teresa, 2022. Theriogenology. 2022. . 10.1016/J.THERIOGENOLOGY.2022.04.004 . Theriogenology

Fertility preservation in women with haematological malignancies

Rafael Ferro; Ana Sofia Pais; Ana Paula Sousa; Teresa Almeida Santos, 2022. Human Fertility. 2022. . 10.1080/14647273.2022.2042605 . Human Fertility

Bioenergetic remodeling in the pathophysiology and treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Winter, Martin; Silva, Daniel; Georgievska, Liljana; Oliveira, Paulo J., 2022. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 3. 52. 2022. . 10.1111/eci.13749 . published European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Mitochondria-Targeted Compounds to Assess and Improve Human Sperm Function

Sara Escada-Rebelo; Maria Inês Cristo; João Ramalho-Santos; Sandra Amaral, 2022. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. 2022. . 10.1089/ars.2021.0238 . Antioxidants & Redox Signaling

Deploying digitalisation and artificial intelligence in sustainable development research

Leal Filho, Walter; Yang, Peter; Eustachio, João Henrique Paulino Pires; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Gellers, Joshua C.; Gielczyk, Agata; Dinis, Maria Alzira Pimenta; Kozlova, Valerija, 2022. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2022. . 10.1007/s10668-022-02252-3 . published Environment, Development and Sustainability


Pacheco; Ana Paula Sousa; Moura-Ramos, 2022. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 61 - 61. S1. 52. 2022. . 10.1111/eci.13796 . published European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Translating Biochemistry Concepts into Cartoons and Graphic Narratives: Potential and Pitfalls

Alemany-Pagès, Mireia; Tavares, Rui; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2022. BioChem. 104 - 114. 1. 2. 2022. . 10.3390/biochem2010008 . published BioChem

It Takes Two to Tango: the Involvement of Certain Environmental Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in MaleInfertility Aetiology

Tavares RS; Ana Paula Sousa; Almeida-Santos T, Ramalho-Santos J, 2022. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 176 - 176. S1. 52. 2022. . 10.1111/eci.13796 . published European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Towards symbiotic approaches between universities, sustainable development, and cities

Leal Filho, Walter; Caughman, Liliana; Pimenta Dinis, Maria Alzira; Frankenberger, Fernanda; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Salvia, Amanda Lange, 2022. Scientific Reports. 1. 12. 2022. . 10.1038/s41598-022-15717-2 . Scientific Reports

Differential Oxygen Exposure Modulates Mesenchymal Stem Cell Metabolism and Proliferation through mTOR Signaling

Inês Moniz; João Ramalho-Santos; Ana F. Branco, 2022. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 3749 - 3749. 7. 23. 2022. . 10.3390/ijms23073749 . International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Living labs in the context of the UN sustainable development goals: state of the art

Leal Filho, Walter; Ozuyar, Pinar Gokcin; Dinis, Maria Alzira Pimenta; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Alvarez, María Garcia; da Silva Neiva, Samara; Salvia, Amanda Lange; et al, 2022. Sustainability Science. 2022. . 10.1007/s11625-022-01240-w . published Sustainability Science

A healthy liver will always deliver: development of a NAFLD awareness comic

Alemany-Pagès, Mireia; Tavares, Rui; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2022. Health Promotion International. 6. 37. 2022. . 10.1093/heapro/daac165 . published Health Promotion International

Spatiotemporal dynamics of SIRT 1, 2 and 3 during in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes

Ana Filipa Ferreira; Juliana Machado-Simões; Maria Soares; Ana Paula Sousa; João Ramalho-Santos; Teresa Almeida-Santos, 2022. Theriogenology. 60 - 69. 186. 2022. . 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2022.04.004 . Theriogenology

Translating Biochemistry Concepts into Cartoons and Graphic Narratives: Potential and Pitfalls

Mireia Alemany i Pagès; Rui Tavares; Anabela Marisa Azul; Joao Ramalho-Santos, 2022. BioChem. 2022. . 10.3390/biochem2010008 . BioChem

Mushrooms on the plate: Trends towards NAFLD treatment, health improvement and sustainable diets

Adriana Fontes; João Ramalho-Santos; Hans Zischka; Anabela Marisa Azul, 2022. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2022. . 10.1111/eci.13667 . European Journal of Clinical Investigation

The use of comics to promote health awareness: A template using nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Mireia Alemany-Pagès; Anabela Marisa Azul; João Ramalho-Santos, 2022. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2022. . 10.1111/eci.13642 . European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Comparative in vitro study on the local tolerance and efficacy of benzalkonium chloride, myristalkonium chloride and nonoxynol-9 as active principles in vaginal contraceptives

Maria Inês Alfaiate; Rita António Santos; Andreia Filipa Silva; Ana Paula Sousa; Teresa Almeida-Santos; Célia Gendron; Violaine Jabbour; et al, 2021. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care. 334 - 342. 4. 26. 2021. . 10.1080/13625187.2021.1900563 . The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care

Using Data Mining to Assist in Predicting Reproductive Outcomes Following Varicocele Embolization

Ana Paula Sousa; Judith Santos-Pereira; Maria José Freire; Belmiro Parada; Teresa Almeida-Santos; Jorge Bernardino; João Ramalho-Santos, 2021. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 3503 - 3503. 16. 10. 2021. . 10.3390/jcm10163503 . Journal of Clinical Medicine

The role of sperm and oocyte in fetal programming: Is Lamarck making a comeback?

Tavares, Renata Santos; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2021. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2021. . 10.1111/eci.13521 . published European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Comparative in vitro study on the local tolerance and efficacy of benzalkonium chloride, myristalkonium chloride and nonoxynol-9 as active principles in vaginal contraceptives

Alfaiate, Maria Inês; António Santos, Rita; Silva, Andreia Filipa; Sousa, Ana Paula; Almeida-Santos, Teresa; Gendron, Célia; Jabbour, Violaine; et al, 2021. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care. 334 - 342. 4. 26. 2021. . 10.1080/13625187.2021.1900563 . The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care

Does supplementation with mitochondria improve oocyte competence? A systematic review.

Filipa Ferreira; Maria Soares; Sandra Almeida Reis; Joao Ramalho-Santos; Ana Paula Sousa; Teresa Almeida-Santos, 2021. Reproduction. 269 - 287. 161. 2021. -20-0351 . 10.1530/rep-20-0351 . published Reproduction

Using Data Mining to Assist in Predicting Reproductive Outcomes Following Varicocele Embolization.

Sousa AP; Santos-Pereira J; Freire MJ; Parada B; Almeida-Santos T; Bernardino J; Ramalho-Santos J, 2021. Journal of clinical medicine. 2021. . 10.3390/jcm10163503 . Journal of clinical medicine

The impact of antisperm antibodies on human male reproductive function: an update

Silva, Andreia Filipa; Ramalho-Santos, João; Amaral, Sandra, 2021. Reproduction. R55 - R71. 4. 162. 2021. . 10.1530/rep-21-0123 . published Reproduction


Escada-Rebelo, Sara; Cristo, Maria Inês; Ramalho-Santos, Joao; Amaral, Sandra, 2021. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. 2021. . 10.1089/ars.2021.0238 . published Antioxidants & Redox Signaling

Does supplementation with mitochondria improve oocyte competence? A systematic review

Ferreira, A.F.; Soares, M.; Reis, S.A.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Sousa, A.P.; Almeida-Santos, T., 2021. Reproduction. 269 - 287. 3. 161. 2021. . 10.1530/REP-20-0351 . Reproduction

Comparative <i>in vitro</i> study on the local tolerance and efficacy of benzalkonium chloride, myristalkonium chloride and nonoxynol-9 as active principles in vaginal contraceptives

Alfaiate, Maria Inês; António Santos, Rita; Silva, Andreia Filipa; Sousa, Ana Paula; Almeida-Santos, Teresa; Gendron, Célia; Jabbour, Violaine; et al, 2021. The European Journal of Contraception &amp; Reproductive Health Care. 334 - 342. 4. 26. 2021. . 10.1080/13625187.2021.1900563 . The European Journal of Contraception &amp; Reproductive Health Care

Unhealthy lifestyles, environment, well-being and health capability in rural neighbourhoods: a community-based cross-sectional study

Azul, A.M.; Almendra, R.; Quatorze, M.; Loureiro, A.; Reis, F.; Tavares, R.; Mota-Pinto, A.; et al, 2021. BMC public health. 1628 - 1628. 1. 21. 2021. . 10.1186/s12889-021-11661-4 . BMC public health

The role of sperm and oocyte in fetal programming: Is Lamarck making a comeback?

Tavares, R.S.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2021. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 10. 51. 2021. . 10.1111/eci.13521 . European Journal of Clinical Investigation

The impact of antisperm antibodies on human male reproductive function: An update

Silva, A.F.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Amaral, S., 2021. Reproduction. R55 - R71. 4. 162. 2021. . 10.1530/REP-21-0123 . Reproduction

Social innovation for sustainable development: assessing current trends

Leal Filho, Walter; Fritzen, Barbara; Ruiz Vargas, Valeria; Paço, Arminda; Zhang, Qiong; Doni, Federica; Azul, Anabela Marisa; et al, 2021. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. 1 - 12. 2021. . 10.1080/13504509.2021.2013974 . published International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology

Unhealthy lifestyles, environment, well-being and health capability in rural neighbourhoods: a community-based cross-sectional study

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Almendra, Ricardo; Quatorze, Marta; Loureiro, Adriana; Reis, Flávio; Tavares, Rui; Mota-Pinto, Anabela; et al, 2021. BMC Public Health. 1. 21. 2021. . 10.1186/s12889-021-11661-4 . published BMC Public Health

Mushrooms on the plate: Trends towards NAFLD treatment, health improvement and sustainable diets

Fontes, Adriana; Ramalho-Santos, João; Zischka, Hans; Azul, Anabela Marisa, 2021. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 3. 52. 2021. . 10.1111/eci.13667 . published European Journal of Clinical Investigation

The use of comics to promote health awareness: a template using non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Alemany-Pagès, Mireia; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2021. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2021. . 10.1111/eci.13642 . European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Aging-related bioenergetic alterations in bovine oocytes

Maria M Soares; Ana Paula Sousa; Raquel D Fernandes; Ana Filipa Ferreira; Teresa Almeida-Santos; João Ramalho-Santos, 2020. Theriogenology. 2020. 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.07.036 . published Theriogenology

In vitro safety and efficacy of Pharmatex® formulations and Nonoxinol 9 as local contraceptives: a comparative study

2020. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 2020. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology

Stem metabolism: Insights from oncometabolism and vice versa

Rodrigues, A.S.; Pereira, S.L.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2020. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease. 7. 1866. 2020. . 10.1016/j.bbadis.2020.165760 . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease

The mTOR pathway in reproduction: from gonadal function to developmental coordination

Correia, B.; Sousa, M.I.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2020. Reproduction (Cambridge, England). R173 - R188. 4. 159. 2020. . 10.1530/REP-19-0057 . Reproduction (Cambridge, England)

COVID-19: the impact of a global crisis on sustainable development research

Leal Filho, Walter; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Wall, Tony; Vasconcelos, Claudio R. P.; Salvia, Amanda Lange; do Paço, Arminda; Shulla, Kalterina; et al, 2020. Sustainability Science. 85 - 99. 1. 16. 2020. . 10.1007/s11625-020-00866-y . Sustainability Science

Adverse effect of higher waist circumference in assisted reproductive technology outcomes

Ana Filipa Rodrigues Ferreira; Ana Paula Sousa; Mariana Moura-Ramos; Paulo Cortesao; Ana Luisa Costa; Teresa Almeida-Santos, 2020. European Gynecology & Obstetrics. 2020. . 10.53260/ego.202017 . European Gynecology & Obstetrics

Aging-related mitochondrial alterations in bovine oocytes

Soares, M.; Sousa, A.P.; Fernandes, R.; Ferreira, A.F.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2020. Theriogenology. 218 - 225. 157. 2020. . 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.07.036 . Theriogenology

Insights from qualitative research on NAFLD awareness with a cohort of T2DM patients: time to go public with insulin resistance?

Alemany-Pagès, Mireia; Moura-Ramos, Mariana; Araújo, Sara; Macedo, Maria Paula; Ribeiro, Rogério T.; do Ó, Dulce; Ramalho-Santos, João; Azul, Anabela Marisa, 2020. BMC Public Health. 1. 20. 2020. . 10.1186/s12889-020-09249-5 . BMC Public Health

Fluorescent probes for the detection of reactive oxygen species in human spermatozoa.

Escada-Rebelo S; Mora FG; Ana Paula Sousa; Almeida-Santos T; Paiva A; Ramalho-Santos J, 2020. Asian journal of andrology. 2020. . 10.4103/aja.aja_132_19 . published Asian journal of andrology

Insights from qualitative research on NAFLD awareness with a cohort of T2DM patients: Time to go public with insulin resistance?

Alemany-Pagès, M.; Moura-Ramos, M.; Araújo, S.; MacEdo, M.P.; Ribeiro, R.T.; Do Ó, D.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Azul, A.M., 2020. BMC Public Health. 1. 20. 2020. . 10.1186/s12889-020-09249-5 . BMC Public Health

Environmental Impact on Male (In)Fertility via Epigenetic Route

Cescon, Matilde; Chianese, Rosanna; Tavares, Renata S., 2020. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 8. 9. 2020. . 10.3390/jcm9082520 . published Journal of Clinical Medicine

Publicly Stressing the Role of Mitochondria in NAFLD with(in) a Sports Event

Alemany-Pagès, Mireia; Tavares, Rui; Varela Amaral, Sara; Viegas, Ana Teresa; Oliveira, Paulo J.; Ramalho-Santos, João; Azul, Anabela Marisa, 2020. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2020. . 10.1111/eci.13234 . published European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Metabolic characterization of a paused-like pluripotent state

Sousa, M.I.; Correia, B.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2020. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects. 8. 1864. 2020. . 10.1016/j.bbagen.2020.129612 . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects

Effects of DMSO on the Pluripotency of Cultured Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells (mESCs)

Maria Inês Sousa; Bibiana Correia; Ana Filipa Branco; Ana Sofia Rodrigues; João Ramalho-Santos; Katia Mareschi, 2020. Stem Cells International. 2020. . 10.1155/2020/8835353 . Stem Cells International

Fluorescent probes for the detection of reactive oxygen species in human spermatozoa

Escada-Rebelo, S.; Mora, F.; Sousa, A.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Paiva, A.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2020. Asian Journal of Andrology. 465 - 471. 5. 22. 2020. . 10.4103/aja.aja_132_19 . Asian Journal of Andrology

Publicly stressing the role of mitochondria in NAFLD with(in) a sports event

Mireia Alemany-Pagès; Rui Tavares; Sara Varela Amaral; Ana Teresa Barros-Viegas; Paulo J. Oliveira; João Ramalho-Santos; Anabela Marisa Azul, 2020. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2020. . 10.1111/eci.13234 . European Journal of Clinical Investigation

Can antidiabetic drugs improve male reproductive (Dys)function associated with diabetes?

Tavares, R.S.; Escada-Rebelo, S.; Sousa, M.I.; Silva, A.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Amaral, S., 2019. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 4191 - 4222. 22. 26. 2019. . 10.2174/0929867325666181101111404 . Current Medicinal Chemistry

Medically assisted reproduction in natural cycle: Outcome evaluation of a reproductive medicine department,Procriação medicamente assistida em ciclo natural: Avaliação dos resultados de um departamento de medicina da reprodução

Alves, M.C.; Marques, A.L.; Leite, H.B.; Sousa, A.P.; Almeida-Santos, T., 2019. Acta Medica Portuguesa. 25 - 29. 1. 32. 2019. . 10.20344/amp.10195 . Acta Medica Portuguesa

Sperm selection in assisted reproduction: A review of established methods and cutting-edge possibilities

Marzano, G.; Chiriacò, M.S.; Primiceri, E.; Dell'Aquila, M.E.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Zara, V.; Ferramosca, A.; Maruccio, G., 2019. Biotechnology Advances. 2019. . 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2019.107498 . Biotechnology Advances

Fertility preservation with successful pregnancy outcome in a patient with transplanted heart and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma-a case report

Pais, A.S.; Guerra, N.; Couto, D.; Sousa, A.P.; Almeida-Santos, T., 2019. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 1. 19. 2019. . 10.1186/s12884-019-2587-x . BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

Can Antidiabetic Drugs Improve Male Reproductive (Dys)Function Associated with Diabetes?

Tavares, Renata S.; Escada-Rebelo, Sara; Sousa, Maria Inês; Silva, Andreia; Ramalho-Santos, João; Amaral, Sandra, 2019. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 4191 - 4222. 22. 26. 2019. . 10.2174/0929867325666181101111404 . published Current Medicinal Chemistry

Antioxidant Versus Pro-Apoptotic Effects of Mushroom-Enriched Diets on Mitochondria in Liver Disease

Fontes, Adriana; Alemany-Pagès, Mireia; Oliveira, Paulo J.; Ramalho-Santos, João; Zischka, Hans; Azul, Anabela Marisa, 2019. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 16. 20. 2019. . 10.3390/ijms20163987 . International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Antioxidant Versus Pro-Apoptotic Effects of Mushroom-Enriched Diets on Mitochondria in Liver Disease

Adriana Fontes; Mireia Alemany-Pagès; Paulo J. Oliveira; João Ramalho-Santos; Hans Zischka; Anabela Marisa Azul, 2019. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 3987 - 3987. 16. 20. 2019. . 10.3390/ijms20163987 . International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Can Antidiabetic Drugs Improve Male Reproductive (Dys)Function Associated with Diabetes?

Tavares, R.S.; Escada-Rebelo, S.; Sousa, M.I.; Silva, A.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Amaral, S., 2019. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 4191 - 4222. 22. 26. 2019. . 10.2174/0929867325666181101111404 . published Current Medicinal Chemistry

Can we induce spermatogenesis in the domestic cat using an in vitro tissue culture approach?

Silva, Andreia F.; Escada-Rebelo, Sara; Amaral, Sandra; Tavares, Renata S.; Schlatt, Stefan; Ramalho-Santos, João; Mota, Paula C., 2018. PLOS ONE. 2. 13. 2018. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0191912 . published PLOS ONE

Metabolic and Mechanical Cues Regulating Pluripotent Stem Cell Fate

Perestrelo, T.; Correia, M.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Wirtz, D., 2018. Trends in Cell Biology. 1014 - 1029. 12. 28. 2018. . 10.1016/j.tcb.2018.09.005 . Trends in Cell Biology


Ramalho-Santos, J., 2018. Nature. 408 - 408. 7696. 555. 2018. . 10.1038/d41586-018-03054-2 . Nature

Can we induce spermatogenesis in the domestic cat using an in vitro tissue culture approach?

Silva, A.F.; Escada-Rebelo, S.; Amaral, S.; Tavares, R.S.; Schlatt, S.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Mota, P.C., 2018. PLoS ONE. 2. 13. 2018. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0191912 . PLoS ONE

Antidiabetic therapies and male reproductive function: where do we stand?

Tavares, R.S.; Escada-Rebelo, S.; Silva, A.F.; Sousa, M.I.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Amaral, S., 2018. Reproduction. R13 - R37. 1. 155. 2018. . 10.1530/REP-17-0390 . Reproduction

Antidiabetic therapies and male reproductive function: where do we stand?

Tavares, R S; Escada-Rebelo, S; Silva, A F; Sousa, M I; Ramalho-Santos, J; Amaral, S, 2018. Reproduction. R13 - R37. 1. 155. 2018. . 10.1530/rep-17-0390 . published Reproduction

Use of lignocellulosic wastes of pecan (Carya illinoinensis) in the cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum

Ozcariz-Fermoselle, María Virginia; Fraile-Fabero, Raúl; Girbés-Juan, Tomás; Arce-Cervantes, Oscar; Oria de Rueda-Salgueiro, Juan Andrés; Azul, Anabela Marisa, 2018. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología. 103 - 109. 2. 35. 2018. . 10.1016/j.riam.2017.09.005 . Revista Iberoamericana de Micología

Raman micro-spectroscopy analysis of different sperm regions: a species comparison

Amaral, Sandra; Da Costa, Raul; Wübbeling, Frank; Redmann, Klaus; Schlatt, S, 2018. MHR: Basic science of reproductive medicine. 185 - 202. 4. 24. 2018. . 10.1093/molehr/gax071 . published MHR: Basic science of reproductive medicine

Can we induce spermatogenesis in the domestic cat using an in vitro tissue culture approach?

Silva, Andreia; Escada-Rebelo, S.; Amaral, Sandra; Tavares, Renata S.; Schlatt, S; Ramalho-Santos, João; Mota, Paula C, 2018. PLoS ONE. 2. 13. 2018. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0191912 . published PLoS ONE

Spectral features of nuclear DNA in human sperm assessed by Raman Microspectroscopy: Effects of UV-irradiation and hydration

da Costa, Raul; Amaral, Sandra; Redmann, Klaus; Kliesch, S; Schlatt, S., 2018. PloS one. e0207786 - e0207786. 11. 13. 2018. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0207786 . published PloS one

Embolization of clinical varicocele: Long term effects on semen quality, complication rates and satisfaction

M.J. Freire; A.P. Sousa; L. Sousa; J. Ramalho-Santos; B. Parada; T. Almeida-Santos; A. Figueiredo, 2017. European Urology Supplements. e781 - e781. 3. 16. 2017. . 10.1016/s1569-9056(17)30511-0 . European Urology Supplements

Pluri-IQ: Quantification of Embryonic Stem Cell Pluripotency through an Image-Based Analysis Software

Perestrelo, T.; Chen, W.; Correia, M.; Le, C.; Pereira, S.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Sousa, M.I.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Wirtz, D., 2017. Stem Cell Reports. 697 - 709. 2. 9. 2017. . 10.1016/j.stemcr.2017.06.006 . Stem Cell Reports

High glucose levels affect spermatogenesis: An in vitro approach

Tavares, R.S.; Portela, J.M.D.; Sousa, M.I.; Mota, P.C.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Amaral, S., 2017. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 1369 - 1378. 7. 29. 2017. . 10.1071/RD15475 . Reproduction, Fertility and Development

Alzheimer’s disease-related amyloid-ß<inf>1–42</inf> peptide induces the loss of human sperm function

Tavares, R.S.; Martins, S.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Sousa, A.P.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; da Cruz E Silva, O.A., 2017. Cell and Tissue Research. 1 - 5. 2017. . 10.1007/s00441-017-2665-1 . Cell and Tissue Research

Sirtuins in metabolism, stemness and differentiation

Correia, M.; Perestrelo, T.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Ribeiro, M.F.; Pereira, S.L.; Sousa, M.I.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2017. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects. 3444 - 3455. 1. 1861. 2017. . 10.1016/j.bbagen.2016.09.008 . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects

Antidiabetic therapies and male reproductive function: where do we stand? (top dowloaded paper in 2018 on Reproduction Journal)

Tavares, Renata S.; Escada-Rebelo, Sara; Silva, Andreia; Sousa, Maria Inês; Ramalho-Santos, João; Amaral, Sandra, 2017. Reproduction (Cambridge, England). R13 - R37. 1. 155. 2017. . 10.1530/rep-17-0390 . published Reproduction (Cambridge, England)

High glucose levels affect spermatogenesis: an in vitro approach.

Tavares, Renata S.; Portela, J; Sousa, Maria Inês; Mota, Paula C; Ramalho-Santos, João; Amaral, Sandra, 2017. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 1369 - 1378. 7. 29. 2017. . 10.1071/rd15475 . published Reproduction, Fertility and Development

Alzheimer’s disease-related amyloid-ß<inf>1–42</inf> peptide induces the loss of human sperm function

Tavares, R.S.; Martins, S.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Sousa, A.P.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; da Cruz e Silva, O.A., 2017. Cell and Tissue Research. 647 - 651. 3. 369. 2017. . 10.1007/s00441-017-2665-1 . Cell and Tissue Research

Alzheimer’s disease-related amyloid-ß1–42 peptide induces the loss of human sperm function

Tavares, R. S.; Martins, S.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Sousa, A. P.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; da Cruz e Silva, O. A., 2017. Cell and Tissue Research. 647 - 651. 3. 369. 2017. . 10.1007/s00441-017-2665-1 . published Cell and Tissue Research

High glucose levels affect spermatogenesis: an in vitro approach

Tavares, Renata S.; Portela, Joana M. D.; Sousa, Maria I.; Mota, Paula C.; Ramalho-Santos, João; Amaral, Sandra, 2017. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 7. 29. 2017. . 10.1071/rd15475 . published Reproduction, Fertility and Development

Orchestration at the beginning: mitosis in sea urchin embryo

Abruzzese, Giselle A.; Tanpradit, Nae; Tavares, Renata S., 2017. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 1023 - 1023. 10. 84. 2017. . 10.1002/mrd.22854 . published Molecular Reproduction and Development

The non-genomic effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on mammalian sperm

Tavares, R S; Escada-Rebelo, S; Correia, M; Mota, P C; Ramalho-Santos, J, 2016. REPRODUCTION. R1 - R13. 1. 151. 2016. . 10.1530/rep-15-0355 . published REPRODUCTION

Spermatogonial stem cell organization in felid testis as revealed by Dolichos biflorus lectin

Escada-Rebelo, S.; Silva, A.F.; Amaral, S.; Tavares, R.S.; Paiva, C.; Schlatt, S.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Mota, P.C., 2016. Andrology. 2016. . 10.1111/andr.12223 . Andrology

Mitochondrial Functionality and Chemical Compound Action on Sperm Function

Amaral, S.; S. Tavares, R.; Baptista, M.; I. Sousa, M.; Silva, A.; Escada-Rebelo, S.; P. Paiva, C.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2016. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 3575 - 3606. 31. 23. 2016. . 10.2174/0929867323666160425113518 . published Current Medicinal Chemistry

Spermatogonial stem cell organization in felid testis as revealed by Dolichos biflorus lectin

Escada-Rebelo, S.; Silva, A. F.; Amaral, S.; Tavares, R. S.; Paiva, C.; Schlatt, S.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Mota, P. C., 2016. Andrology. 1159 - 1168. 6. 4. 2016. . 10.1111/andr.12223 . published Andrology

Data on the potential impact of food supplements on the growth of mouse embryonic stem cells

Correia, M.; Sousa, M.I.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Perestrelo, T.; Pereira, S.L.; Ribeiro, M.F.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2016. Data in Brief. 1190 - 1195. 7. 2016. . 10.1016/j.dib.2016.03.098 . Data in Brief

Mitochondrial Functionality and Chemical Compound Action on Sperm Function

Amaral, Sandra; Tavares, Renata S.; Baptista, Marta; Sousa, Maria Inês; Silva, Andreia; Escada-Rebelo, Sara; Paiva, Carla; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2016. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 3575 - 3606. 31. 23. 2016. . 10.2174/0929867323666160425113518 . published Current Medicinal Chemistry

Different concentrations of kaempferol distinctly modulate murine embryonic stem cell function

Marcelo Correia; Ana S. Rodrigues; Tânia Perestrelo; Sandro L. Pereira; Marcelo F. Ribeiro; Maria I. Sousa; João Ramalho-Santos, 2016. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 148 - 156. 87. 2016. . 10.1016/j.fct.2015.12.011 . Food and Chemical Toxicology

Cytotoxic potential of decidual NK cells and CD8+ T cells awakened by infections

Crespo, Â.C.; van der Zwan, A.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Strominger, J.L.; Tilburgs, T., 2016. Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2016. . 10.1016/j.jri.2016.08.001 . Journal of Reproductive Immunology

Mitochondrial functionality and chemical compound action on sperm function

Amaral, S.; Tavares, R.S.; Baptista, M.; Sousa, M.I.; Silva, A.; Escada-Rebelo, S.; Paiva, C.P.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2016. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 3575 - 3606. 31. 23. 2016. . 10.2174/0929867323666160425113518 . Current Medicinal Chemistry

(The Symbiosis Tellus) Communicating Science through Comics

Tavares, Rui; Ramalho-Santos, João; Jorge, Susana; Azul, Anabela Marisa, 2016. 2016. .

Spermatogonial stem cell organization in felid testis as revealed by Dolichos biflorus lectin.

Escada-Rebelo, Sara; Silva, Andreia; Amaral, Sandra; Tavares, Renata S.; Paiva, Carla; Schlatt, S; Ramalho-Santos, João; Mota, Paula C, 2016. Andrology. 1159 - 1168. 6. 4. 2016. . 10.1111/andr.12223 . published Andrology

Eficácia da vibroestimulação peniana após lesão vertebromedular

Sandra de Oliveira; António Azenha; Ana Paula Sousa; João Páscoa Pinheiro; Ana Teresa Almeida Santos, 2016. Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 16 - 21. 1. 33. 2016. . 10.1016/j.acup.2016.01.002 . Acta Urológica Portuguesa

The non-genomic effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on mammalian sperm

Tavares, R.S.; Escada-Rebelo, S.; Correia, M.; Mota, P.C.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2016. Reproduction. R1 - R13. 1. 151. 2016. . 10.1530/REP-15-0355 . Reproduction

Mitochondrial Mechanisms of Metabolic Reprogramming in Proliferating Cells

Sousa, M.I.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Pereira, S.; Perestrelo, T.; Correia, M.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2015. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2493 - 2504. 20. 22. 2015. . Current Medicinal Chemistry

In vitro exposure to the organochlorine p,p'-DDE affects functional human sperm parameters

Tavares, Renata S.; Amaral, Sandra; Paiva, Carla; Baptista, Marta; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2015. Chemosphere. 443 - 446. 120. 2015. . 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.08.075 . published Chemosphere

High glucose concentrations per se do not adversely affect human sperm function in vitro.

Tavares, R S; Portela, J M D; Mota, P C; Ramalho-Santos, J; Amaral, S, 2015. REPRODUCTION. 77 - 84. 1. 150. 2015. . 10.1530/rep-15-0100 . published REPRODUCTION

Dichloroacetate, the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and the modulation of mESC pluripotency

Rodrigues, A.S.; Correia, M.; Gomes, A.; Pereira, S.L.; Perestrelo, T.; Sousa, M.I.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2015. PLoS ONE. 7. 10. 2015. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0131663 . PLoS ONE

High glucose concentrations per se do not adversely affect human sperm function in vitro

Portela, J.M.D.; Tavares, R.S.; Mota, P.C.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Amaral, S., 2015. Reproduction. 77 - 84. 1. 150. 2015. . 10.1530/REP-15-0100 . Reproduction

In vitro exposure to the organochlorine p,p'-DDE affects functional human sperm parameters

Tavares, Renata S.; Amaral, Sandra; Paiva, Carla; Baptista, Marta; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2015. Chemosphere. 443 - 446. 120. 2015. . 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.08.075 . published Chemosphere

Nucleolin overexpression in breast cancer cell sub-populations with different stem-like phenotype enables targeted intracellular delivery of synergistic drug combination

Fonseca, N.A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Rodrigues-Santos, P.; Alves, V.; Gregório, A.C.; Valério-Fernandes, Â.; Gomes-da-Silva, L.C.; et al, 2015. Biomaterials. 76 - 88. 69. 2015. . 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.08.007 . Biomaterials

Seasonal variations of ectomycorrhizal communities in declining Quercus ilex forests: interactions with topography, tree health status and Phytophthora cinnamomi infections

Corcobado, T.; Moreno, G.; Azul, A. M.; Solla, A., 2015. Forestry. 257 - 266. 2. 88. 2015. . 10.1093/forestry/cpu056 . Forestry

Identification of endogenous metabolites in human sperm cells using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (<sup>1</sup>H-NMR) spectroscopy and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

Paiva, C.; Amaral, A.; Rodriguez, M.; Canyellas, N.; Correig, X.; Ballescà, J.L.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Oliva, R., 2015. Andrology. 496 - 505. 3. 3. 2015. . 10.1111/andr.12027 . Andrology

High glucose concentrations per se do not adversely affect human sperm function in vitro

Portela, Joana; Tavares, Renata S.; Mota, Paula C; Ramalho-Santos, João; Amaral, Sandra, 2015. REPRODUCTION. 77 - 84. 1. 150. 2015. . 10.1530/rep-15-0100 . published REPRODUCTION

In vitro exposure to the organochlorine p,p'-DDE affects functional human sperm parameters

Tavares, R.S.; Amaral, S.; Paiva, C.; Baptista, M.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2015. Chemosphere. 443 - 446. 120. 2015. . 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.08.075 . Chemosphere

I want more and better cells! - An outreach project about stem cells and its impact on the general population

Amaral, S.V.; Forte, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Da Cruz, M.T.G., 2015. PLoS ONE. 7. 10. 2015. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0133753 . PLoS ONE

Geography of follicle formation in the embryonic mouse ovary impacts activation pattern during the first wave of folliculogenesis

Cordeiro, M.H.; Kim, S.-Y.; Ebbert, K.; Duncan, F.E.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Woodruff, T.K., 2015. Biology of Reproduction. 4. 93. 2015. . 10.1095/biolreprod.115.131227 . Biology of Reproduction

Differentiate or die: 3-Bromopyruvate and pluripotency in mouse embryonic stem cells

Rodrigues, A.S.; Pereira, S.L.; Correia, M.; Gomes, A.; Perestrelo, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2015. PLoS ONE. 8. 10. 2015. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0135617 . PLoS ONE

Light Microscopy of Male Reproductive Organs after CdCl2 Exposure: Focus on Morphometric Analysis of Testis and Sperm Parameters

Pereira, ML; Tavares, Renata; Garcia e Costa, F, 2015. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. 39 - 41. 12. 6. 2015. published International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research

Valuing native ectomycorrhizal fungi as a Mediterranean forestry component for sustainable and innovative solutions

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Nunes, João; Ferreira, Inês; Coelho, Ana Sofia; Veríssimo, Paula; Trovão, João; Campos, António; Castro, Paula; Freitas, Helena, 2014. Botany. 161 - 171. 2. 92. 2014. . 10.1139/cjb-2013-0170 . Botany

Relation of cumulus cell status with single oocyte maturity, fertilization capability and patient age

Lourenço, B.; Sousa, A.P.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2014. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility. 15 - 21. 1. 15. 2014. . Journal of Reproduction and Infertility

Identification of proteins involved in human sperm motility using high-throughput differential proteomics

Amaral, A.; Paiva, C.; Attardo Parrinello, C.; Estanyol, J.M.; Ballescà, J.L.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Oliva, R., 2014. Journal of Proteome Research. 5670 - 5684. 12. 13. 2014. . 10.1021/pr500652y . Journal of Proteome Research

Concentration-dependent Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) effects on ROS production, energy status, and human sperm function

Sousa, Maria Inês; Amaral, Sandra; Tavares, Renata S.; Paiva, Carla; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2014. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. 72 - 79. 2. 60. 2014. . 10.3109/19396368.2013.867380 . published Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine

Low amounts of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species define human sperm quality.

Marques M; Sousa AP; Paiva A; Almeida-Santos T; Ramalho-Santos J; Marques, M.; Sousa, A.P.; et al, 2014. Reproduction. 817 - 824. 6. 147. 2014. . 10.1530/rep-13-0644 . Reproduction

Low amounts of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species define human sperm quality

Marques, M.; Sousa, A.P.; Paiva, A.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2014. Reproduction. 817 - 824. 6. 147. 2014. . 10.1530/REP-13-0644 . Reproduction

The combined human sperm proteome: Cellular pathways and implications for basic and clinical science

Amaral, A.; Castillo, J.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Oliva, R., 2014. Human Reproduction Update. 40 - 62. 1. 20. 2014. . 10.1093/humupd/dmt046 . Human Reproduction Update


Ramalho-Santos, J., 2014. Nature. 7505. 510. 2014. . 10.1038/510436a . Nature

Relation of cumulus cell status with single oocyte maturity, fertilization capability and patient age.

Lourenço B; Sousa AP; Almeida-Santos T; Ramalho-Santos J; Lourenço, B.; Sousa, A.P.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2014. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility. 15 - 21. 1. 15. 2014. . Journal of Reproduction and Infertility

Concentration-dependent Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) effects on ROS production, energy status, and human sperm function

Sousa, M.I.; Amaral, S.; Tavares, R.S.; Paiva, C.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2014. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. 72 - 79. 2. 60. 2014. . 10.3109/19396368.2013.867380 . Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine

Sins of the fathers: Sperm DNA damage in the context of assisted reproduction

Ramalho-Santos, J., 2014. Human Reproduction. 2356 - 2358. 11. 29. 2014. . 10.1093/humrep/deu229 . Human Reproduction

Spermicidal and Microbicidal Compounds: In Search of an Efficient Multipurpose Strategy

Baptista, M.; Tavares, R.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2014. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 3693 - 3700. 32. 21. 2014. . 10.2174/0929867321666140826115929 . published Current Medicinal Chemistry

Spermicidal and microbicidal compounds: In search of an efficient multipurpose strategy

Baptista, M.; Tavares, R.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2014. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 3693 - 3700. 32. 21. 2014. . Current Medicinal Chemistry

Concentration-dependent Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) effects on ROS production, energy status, and human sperm function

Sousa, M.I.; Amaral, S.; Tavares, R.S.; Paiva, C.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2014. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. 72 - 79. 2. 60. 2014. . 10.3109/19396368.2013.867380 . Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine

From gametogenesis and stem cells to cancer: Common metabolic themes

Pereira, S.L.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Sousa, M.I.; Correia, M.; Perestrelo, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2014. Human Reproduction Update. 924 - 943. 6. 20. 2014. . 10.1093/humupd/dmu034 . Human Reproduction Update

p,p'-DDE activates CatSper and compromises human sperm function at environmentally relevant concentrations.

Tavares, R.S.; Mansell, S.; Barratt, C.L.; Wilson, S.M.; Publicover, S.J.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2013. Human reproduction (Oxford, England). 3167 - 3177. 12. 28. 2013. . published Human reproduction (Oxford, England)

Mitochondria and mammalian reproduction

Ramalho-Santos, João; Amaral, Sandra, 2013. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 74 - 84. 1-2. 379. 2013. . 10.1016/j.mce.2013.06.005 . published Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology

How can ethics relate to science? The case of stem cell research.

Carvalho, A.S.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2013. European journal of human genetics : EJHG. 591 - 595. 6. 21. 2013. . 10.1038/ejhg.2012.232 . European journal of human genetics : EJHG

In vitro effects of cationic compounds on functional human sperm parameters

Baptista, M.; Publicover, S.J.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2013. Fertility and Sterility. 705 - 712. 3. 99. 2013. . 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2012.11.008 . Fertility and Sterility

Evaluation of human sperm chromatin status after selection using a modified Diff-Quik stain indicates embryo quality and pregnancy outcomes following in vitro fertilization

Tavares, R.S.; Silva, A.F.; Lourenço, B.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Sousa, A.P.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2013. Andrology. 830 - 837. 6. 1. 2013. . 10.1111/j.2047-2927.2013.00127.x . Andrology

Evaluation of human sperm chromatin status after selection using a modified Diff-Quik stain indicates embryo quality and pregnancy outcomes following in vitro fertilization

Tavares, R.S.; Silva, A.F.; Lourenço, B.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Sousa, A.P.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2013. Andrology. 830 - 837. 6. 1. 2013. . 10.1111/j.2047-2927.2013.00127.x . published Andrology

p,p'-DDE activates CatSper and compromises human sperm function at environmentally relevant concentrations.

Tavares, R.S.; Mansell, S.; Barratt, C.L.; Wilson, S.M.; Publicover, S.J.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2013. Human reproduction (Oxford, England). 3167 - 3177. 12. 28. 2013. . Human reproduction (Oxford, England)

Anterior positioning of sex chromosomes on the head of human sperm sorted using visible wavelengths

Alçada-Morais, Sofia; Sousa, Ana Paula; Paiva, Artur; Almeida-Santos, Teresa; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2013. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. 223 - 226. 4. 59. 2013. . 10.3109/19396368.2013.787129 . accepted Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine

Evaluation of human sperm chromatin status after selection using a modified Diff-Quik stain indicates embryo quality and pregnancy outcomes following in vitro fertilization

Tavares, R.S.; Silva, A.F.; Lourenço, B.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Sousa, A.P.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2013. Andrology. 830 - 837. 6. 1. 2013. . 10.1111/j.2047-2927.2013.00127.x . Andrology

Development, optimization and application of an analytical methodology by ultra performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for determination of amanitins in urine and liver samples

Leite, Marta; Freitas, Andreia; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Barbosa, Jorge; Costa, Saul; Ramos, Fernando, 2013. 2013. .

Aging and male reproductive function: A mitochondrial perspective

Amaral, S.; Amaral, A.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2013. Frontiers in Bioscience - Scholar. 181 - 197. 1. 5 S. 2013. . Frontiers in Bioscience - Scholar

Mitochondria functionality and sperm quality

Amaral, A.; Lourenço, B.; Marques, M.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2013. Reproduction. 5. 146. 2013. . 10.1530/REP-13-0178 . Reproduction

UVB irradiation as a tool to assess ROS-induced damage in human spermatozoa

Amaral, Sandra; Redmann, Klaus; Sanchez, V.; Mallidis, Con; Ramalho-Santos, João; Schlatt, S, 2013. Andrology. 707 - 714. 5. 1. 2013. . 10.1111/j.2047-2927.2013.00098.x . published Andrology

Aging and male reproductive function: a mitochondrial perspective.

Amaral, Sandra; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2013. 181 - 187. S5. 2013. . 10.2741/s365 . published

Inhibition of mitochondrial complex III blocks neuronal differentiation and maintains embryonic stem cell pluripotency

Pereira, S.L.; Grãos, M.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Anjo, S.I.; Carvalho, R.A.; Oliveira, P.J.; Arenas, E.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2013. PLoS ONE. 12. 8. 2013. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0082095 . PLoS ONE

UVB irradiation as a tool to assess ROS-induced damage in human spermatozoa

Amaral, S.; Redmann, K.; Sanchez, V.; Mallidis, C.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Schlatt, S., 2013. Andrology. 707 - 714. 5. 1. 2013. . 10.1111/j.2047-2927.2013.00098.x . Andrology

Mitochondria and mammalian reproduction

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Amaral, S., 2013. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 74 - 84. 1-2. 379. 2013. . 10.1016/j.mce.2013.06.005 . Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology

Ca2+ signals generated by CatSper and Ca2+ stores regulate different behaviors in human sperm

Alasmari, W.; Costello, S.; Correia, J.; Oxenham, S.K.; Morris, J.; Fernandes, L.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; et al, 2013. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 6248 - 6258. 9. 288. 2013. . 10.1074/jbc.M112.439356 . Journal of Biological Chemistry

Anterior positioning of sex chromosomes on the head of human sperm sorted using visible wavelengths

Alçada-Morais, S.; Sousa, A.P.; Paiva, A.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2013. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. 223 - 226. 4. 59. 2013. . 10.3109/19396368.2013.787129 . Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine

Human sperm tail proteome suggests new endogenous metabolic pathways

Amaral, A.; Castillo, J.; Estanyol, J.M.; Ballesca, J.L.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Oliva, R., 2013. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 330 - 342. 2. 12. 2013. . 10.1074/mcp.M112.020552 . Molecular and Cellular Proteomics

Dioxin-induced acute cardiac mitochondrial oxidative damage and increased activity of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in Wistar rats

Pereira, S.P.; Pereira, G.C.; Pereira, C.V.; Carvalho, F.S.; Cordeiro, M.H.; Mota, P.C.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Moreno, A.J.; Oliveira, P.J., 2013. Environmental Pollution. 281 - 290. 180. 2013. . 10.1016/j.envpol.2013.05.049 . Environmental Pollution

The male gamete is not a somatic cell-the possible meaning of varying sperm RNA levels

Amaral, A.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2013. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling. 179 - 180. 2. 18. 2013. . 10.1089/ars.2012.4715 . Antioxidants and Redox Signaling

Female (in)fertility

Saad, H.; Khalil, E.; Bora, S. A.; Parikh, J.; Abdalla, H.; Thum, M. Y.; Bina, V.; et al, 2013. Human Reproduction. i229 - i247. suppl 1. 28. 2013. . 10.1093/humrep/det213 . Human Reproduction


Ramalho-Santos, J., 2012. Nature. 7391. 483. 2012. . 10.1038/483642a . Nature

Amanita phalloides (Vaill. ex Fr.) Link + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Martín, María Paz; Freitas, Helena, 2012. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 1 - 5. 13. 2012. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

Acute effects of TCDD administration: special emphasis on testicular and sperm mitochondrial function. *Co-first authors

Tavares, Renata S.; Mota, Paula C.; Cordeiro, Marília; Pereira, Susana P.; Publicover, Stephen J.; Oliveira, Paulo J.; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2012. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction. 269 - 276. 4. 1. 2012. . 10.1016/s2305-0500(13)60091-3 . published Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction

Biodiversity in urban ecosystems: Plants and macromycetes as indicators for conservation planning in the city of Coimbra (Portugal)

Barrico, Lurdes; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Morais, Maria Cristina; Pereira Coutinho, António; Freitas, Helena; Castro, Paula, 2012. Landscape and Urban Planning. 88 - 102. 1. 106. 2012. . 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2012.02.011 . Landscape and Urban Planning

Acute effects of TCDD administration: special emphasis on testicular and sperm mitochondrial function

RamalhoSantos, João; Mota, P.C.; Tavares, R.S.; Cordeiro, M.; Pereira, S.P.; Publicover, S.J.; Oliveira, P.J.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2012. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction. 269 - 276. 4. 1. 2012. . 10.1016/s2305-0500(13)60091-3 . Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction

Effects of different storage protocols on cat testis tissue potential for xenografting and recovery of spermatogenesis

Mota, P.C.; Ehmcke, J.; Westernströer, B.; Gassei, K.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Schlatt, S., 2012. Theriogenology. 299 - 310. 2. 77. 2012. . 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2011.07.042 . Theriogenology

Exogenous glucose improves long-standing human sperm motility, viability, and mitochondrial function

Amaral, A.; Paiva, C.; Baptista, M.; Sousa, A.P.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2011. Fertility and Sterility. 848 - 850. 4. 96. 2011. . 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2011.07.1091 . Fertility and Sterility


Ramalho-Santos, J., 2011. Nature. 7352. 474. 2011. . 10.1038/474536a . Nature

Xenografting as a Tool to Preserve Endangered Species: Outcomes and Challenges in Model Systems

Paula C. Mota; João Ramalho-Santos; Stefan Schlatt, 2011. Veterinary Medicine International. 1 - 7. 2011. 2011. . 10.4061/2011/629409 . Veterinary Medicine International

Metabolic remodeling during H9c2 myoblast differentiation: Relevance for in vitro toxicity studies

Pereira, S.L.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Branco, A.F.; Sardão, V.A.; Oliveira, P.J.; Carvalho, R.A., 2011. Cardiovascular Toxicology. 180 - 190. 2. 11. 2011. . 10.1007/s12012-011-9112-4 . Cardiovascular Toxicology

In vitro surfactant structure-toxicity relationships: Implications for surfactant use in sexually transmitted infection prophylaxis and contraception

Inácio, A.S.; Mesquita, K.A.; Baptista, M.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Vaz, W.L.C.; Vieira, O.V., 2011. PLoS ONE. 5. 6. 2011. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0019850 . PLoS ONE

Differential effects of p,p'-DDE on testis and liver mitochondria:Implications for reproductive toxicology

Mota, P.C.; Cordeiro, M.; Pereira, S.P.; Oliveira, P.J.; Moreno, A.J.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2011. Reproductive Toxicology. 80 - 85. 1. 31. 2011. . 10.1016/j.reprotox.2010.09.010 . Reproductive Toxicology

Not all sperm are equal: functional mitochondria characterize a subpopulation of human sperm with better fertilization potential.

Sousa AP; Amaral A; Baptista M; Tavares R; Caballero Campo P; Caballero Peregrín P; Freitas A; et al, 2011. 2011. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0018112 .

A sperms tail: The importance of getting it right

Ramalho-Santos, J., 2011. Human Reproduction. 2590 - 2591. 9. 26. 2011. . 10.1093/humrep/der200 . Human Reproduction

Human procreation in unchartered territory: New twists in ethical discussions

Ramalho-Santos, J., 2011. Human Reproduction. 1284 - 1287. 6. 26. 2011. . 10.1093/humrep/der093 . Human Reproduction

Not all sperm are equal: Functional mitochondria characterize a subpopulation of human sperm with better fertilization potential

Sousa, A.P.; Amaral, A.; Baptista, M.; Tavares, R.; Campo, P.C.; Peregrín, P.C.; Freitas, A.; et al, 2011. PLoS ONE. 3. 6. 2011. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0018112 . PLoS ONE

Not All Sperm Are Equal: Functional Mitochondria Characterize a Subpopulation of Human Sperm with Better Fertilization Potential

Sousa, Ana Paula; Amaral, Alexandra; Baptista, Marta; Tavares, Renata; Caballero Campo, Pedro; Caballero Peregrín, Pedro; Freitas, Albertina; et al, 2011. PLoS ONE. 3. 6. 2011. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0018112 . published PLoS ONE

Exogenous glucose improves long-standing human sperm motility, viability, and mitochondrial function.

Amaral A; Paiva C; Baptista M; Sousa AP; Ramalho-Santos J, 2011. 2011. . 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2011.07.1091 .

Energy metabolism in human pluripotent stem cells and their differentiated counterparts

Varum, S.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Moura, M.B.; Momcilovic, O.; Easley IV, C.A.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; van Houten, B.; Schatten, G., 2011. PLoS ONE. 6. 6. 2011. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0020914 . PLoS ONE

Proton leak modulation in testicular mitochondria affects reactive oxygen species production and lipid peroxidation

Rodrigues, A.S.; Lacerda, B.; Moreno, A.J.M.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2010. Cell Biochemistry and Function. 224 - 231. 3. 28. 2010. . 10.1002/cbf.1644 . Cell Biochemistry and Function

Fungal fruitbodies and soil macrofauna as indicators of land use practices on soil biodiversity in Montado

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Mendes, Sara Margarida; Sousa, José Paulo; Freitas, Helena, 2010. Agroforestry Systems. 121 - 138. 2. 82. 2010. . 10.1007/s10457-010-9359-y . Agroforestry Systems

Session 04: Novel Techniques for Sperm Selection

Figueiredo, S.; Sousa, A. P.; Parada, B.; Carvalheiro, V.; Almeida Santos, T.; Obejero, E. Y.; De Caro, R.; et al, 2010. Human Reproduction. i6 - i9. Supplement. 25. 2010. . 10.1093/humrep/de.25.s1.4 . Human Reproduction

Diálogos e modos de actuação colectiva com vista à sustentabilidade do sobreiro em Portugal1

Azul, Anabela Marisa, 2010. e-cadernos CES. 10. 2010. . 10.4000/eces.615 . e-cadernos CES

Assessment of mitochondrial potential: Implications for the correct monitoring of human sperm function

Amaral, A.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2010. International Journal of Andrology. 1. 33. 2010. . 10.1111/j.1365-2605.2009.00987.x . International Journal of Andrology

Early effects of fire on herbaceous vegetation and mycorrhizal symbiosis in high altitude grasslands of Natural Park of Estrela Mountain (PNSE)

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Ramos, Vítor; Sales, Fátima, 2010. Symbiosis. 113 - 123. 2-3. 52. 2010. . 10.1007/s13199-010-0103-1 . Symbiosis

Seasonal functional relevance of sperm characteristics in equine spermatozoa

Gamboa, S.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Henriques, L.; Batista, C.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2010. Theriogenology. 950 - 958. 7. 73. 2010. . 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2009.11.023 . Theriogenology

Mitochondrial functionality in reproduction: from gonads and gametes to embryos and embryonic stem cells

Ramalho-Santos, João; Varum, Sandra; Amaral, Sandra; Mota, Paula C; Ana Paula Sousa; Amaral, Alexandra, 2009. Human Reproduction Update. 553 - 572. 5. 15. 2009. . 10.1093/humupd/dmp016 . published Human Reproduction Update

Aging, Mitochondria and Male Reproductive Function

Amaral, Sandra; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2009. Current Aging Sciencee. 165 - 173. 3. 2. 2009. . 10.2174/1874609810902030165 . published Current Aging Sciencee

Parabens in male infertility-Is there a mitochondrial connection?

Tavares, R.S.; Martins, F.C.; Oliveira, P.J.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Peixoto, F.P., 2009. Reproductive Toxicology. 1 - 7. 1. 27. 2009. . 10.1016/j.reprotox.2008.10.002 . Reproductive Toxicology

Aging, mitochondria and male reproductive function.

Amaral S; Ramalho-Santos J; Amaral, S.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2009. Current Aging Science. 165 - 173. 3. 2. 2009. . 10.2174/1874609810902030165 . Current Aging Science

Seminal traits, suitability for semen preservation and fertility in the native Portuguese horse breeds Puro Sangue Lusitano and Sorraia: Implications for stallion classification and assisted reproduction

Gamboa, S.; Machado-Faria, M.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2009. Animal Reproduction Science. 102 - 113. 1-4. 113. 2009. . 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2008.06.004 . Animal Reproduction Science

Mitochondrial functionality in reproduction: from gonads and gametes to embryos and embryonic stem cells.

Ramalho-Santos J; Varum S; Amaral S; Mota PC; Sousa AP; Amaral A, 2009. 2009. . 10.1093/humupd/dmp016 .

Mitochondrial functionality in reproduction: From gonads and gametes to embryos and embryonic stem cells

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Varum, S.; Amaral, S.; Mota, P.C.; Sousa, A.P.; Amaral, A., 2009. Human Reproduction Update. 553 - 572. 5. 15. 2009. . 10.1093/humupd/dmp016 . Human Reproduction Update

Dual use of Diff-Quik-like stains for the simultaneous evaluation of human sperm morphology and chromatin status

Sousa, A.P.M.; Tavares, R.S.; Velez De La Calle, J.F.; Figueiredo, H.; Almeida, V.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2009. Human Reproduction. 28 - 36. 1. 24. 2009. . 10.1093/humrep/den365 . Human Reproduction

Diversity and fruiting patterns of ectomycorrhizal and saprobic fungi as indicators of land-use severity in managed woodlands dominated by Quercus suber — a case study from southern Portugal

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Castro, Paula; Sousa, José Paulo; Freitas, Helena, 2009. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2404 - 2417. 12. 39. 2009. . 10.1139/x09-148 . Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Land use practices and ectomycorrhizal fungal communities from oak woodlands dominated by Quercus suber L. considering drought scenarios

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Sousa, João Paulo; Agerer, Reinhard; Martín, María P.; Freitas, Helena, 2009. Mycorrhiza. 73 - 88. 2. 20. 2009. . 10.1007/s00572-009-0261-2 . Mycorrhiza

Testicular mitochondrial alterations in untreated streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

Amaral, S.; Mota, P.C.; Lacerda, B.; Alves, M.; Pereira, M.d.L.; Oliveira, P.J.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2009. Mitochondrion. 41 - 50. 1. 9. 2009. . 10.1016/j.mito.2008.11.005 . Mitochondrion

Chd1 regulates open chromatin and pluripotency of embryonic stem cells

Gaspar-Maia, A.; Alajem, A.; Polesso, F.; Sridharan, R.; Mason, M.J.; Heidersbach, A.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; et al, 2009. Nature. 863 - 868. 7257. 460. 2009. . 10.1038/nature08212 . Nature


Ramalho-Santos, J., 2009. Nature. 7239. 458. 2009. . 10.1038/458796a . Nature

Parabens in male infertility-Is there a mitochondrial connection?

Tavares, R.S.; Martins, F.C.; Oliveira, P.J.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Peixoto, F.P., 2009. Reproductive Toxicology. 1 - 7. 1. 27. 2009. . 10.1016/j.reprotox.2008.10.002 . published Reproductive Toxicology

Mitochondrial bioenergetics of testicular cells from the domestic cat (Felis catus)-A model for endangered species

Mota, P.; Amaral, S.; Martins, L.; de Lourdes Pereira, M.; Oliveira, P.J.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2009. Reproductive Toxicology. 111 - 116. 2. 27. 2009. . 10.1016/j.reprotox.2009.01.008 . Reproductive Toxicology

Mitochondrial bioenergetics of testicular cells from the domestic cat (Felis catus)- A model for endangered species

Mota, Paula C; Amaral, Sandra; Martins, Luís; de Lourdes Pereira, Maria; Oliveira, Paulo; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2009. Reproductive Toxicology. 111 - 116. 2. 27. 2009. . 10.1016/j.reprotox.2009.01.008 . published Reproductive Toxicology

Dual use of Diff-Quik-like stains for the simultaneous evaluation of human sperm morphology and chromatin status.

Tavares, R.S.; Sousa, A.P.M.; Velez De La Calle, J.F.; Figueiredo, H.; Almeida, V.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2009. Human Reproduction. 28 - 36. 1. 24. 2009. . 10.1093/humrep/den365 . published Human Reproduction

Dual use of Diff-Quik-like stains for the simultaneous evaluation of human sperm morphology and chromatin status.

Sousa AP; Tavares RS; Velez de la Calle JF; Figueiredo H; Almeida V; Almeida-Santos T; Ramalho-Santos J, 2009. 2009. . 10.1093/humrep/den365 .

Enhancement of human embryonic stem cell pluripotency through inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain

Varum, S.; Momcilovic, O.; Castro, C.; Ben-Yehudah, A.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Navara, C.S., 2009. Stem Cell Research. 142 - 156. 2-3. 3. 2009. . 10.1016/j.scr.2009.07.002 . Stem Cell Research

Spermicides, microbicides and antiviral agents: Recent advances in the development of novel multi-functional compounds

Baptista, M.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2009. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 1556 - 1567. 13. 9. 2009. . 10.2174/138955709790361548 . Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry

Testicular mitochondrial alterations in untreated streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

Amaral, Sandra; Mota, Paula C; Lacerda, Beatriz; Alves, Marco; Pereira, Maria de Lourdes; Oliveira, Paulo; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2009. Mitochondrion. 41 - 50. 1. 9. 2009. . 10.1016/j.mito.2008.11.005 . published Mitochondrion

The quantification of lipid and protein oxidation in stallion spermatozoa and seminal plasma: Seasonal distinctions and correlations with DNA strand breaks, classical seminal parameters and stallion fertility

Morte, M.I.; Rodrigues, A.M.; Soares, D.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Gamboa, S.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2008. Animal Reproduction Science. 36 - 47. 1-2. 106. 2008. . 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2007.03.020 . Animal Reproduction Science

Surfactants as microbicides and contraceptive agents: A systematic In Vitro study

Vieira, O.V.; Hartmann, D.O.; Cardoso, C.M.P.; Oberdoerfer, D.; Baptista, M.; Santos, M.A.S.; Almeida, L.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Vaz, W.L.C., 2008. PLoS ONE. 8. 3. 2008. . 10.1371/journal.pone.0002913 . PLoS ONE

Testicular aging involves mitochondrial dysfunction as well as an increase in UCP2 levels and proton leak

Amaral, S.; Mota, P.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Martins, L.; Oliveira, P.J.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2008. FEBS Letters. 4191 - 4196. 30. 582. 2008. . 10.1016/j.febslet.2008.11.020 . FEBS Letters

'Quercirhiza tomentellostellata' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Martín, María Paz; Freitas, Helena, 2008. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 141 - 146. 11/12. 2008. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

Freeze-dried primate sperm retains early reproductive potential after intracytoplasmic sperm injection

Sánchez-Partida, L.G.; Simerly, C.R.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2008. Fertility and Sterility. 742 - 745. 3. 89. 2008. . 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.02.066 . Fertility and Sterility

'Quercirhiza tomentellocummulata' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Martín, María Paz; Freitas, Helena, 2008. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 125 - 130. 11/12. 2008. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

'Quercirhiza tomenteloreticulata' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Martín, María Paz; Freitas, Helena, 2008. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 135 - 139. 11/12. 2008. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

Diabetes and the impairment of reproductive function: Possible role of mitochondria and reactive oxygen species

Amaral, S.; Oliveira, P.J.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2008. Current Diabetes Reviews. 46 - 54. 1. 4. 2008. . 10.2174/157339908783502398 . Current Diabetes Reviews

Mycorrhizal types in the Mediterranean Basin: safety teaching and training

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Ramos, Vítor; Pato, Anabela; Azenha, Matilde; Freitas, Helena, 2008. Journal of Biological Education. 130 - 137. 3. 42. 2008. . 10.1080/00219266.2008.9656126 . Journal of Biological Education

Adição de piruvato de sódio e trolox ao diluidor utilizado para congelação de sêmen de garanhões férteis e subférteis

RamalhoSantos, João, 2008. 2008. 10.1590/s0103-84782008000800028 .

Testicular aging involves mitochondrial dysfunction as well as an increase in UCP2 levels and proton leak

Amaral, Sandra; Mota, Paula C; Rodrigues, Ana Sofia; Martins, Luís; Oliveira, Paulo; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2008. FEBS Letters. 4191 - 4196. 30. 582. 2008. . 10.1016/j.febslet.2008.11.020 . published FEBS Letters

'Quercirhiza tomentelloepidermoidea' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Martín, María Paz; Freitas, Helena, 2008. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 131 - 134. 11/12. 2008. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

Diabetes and the Impairment of Reproductive Function: Possible Role of Mitochondria and Reactive Oxygen Species

Ramalho-Santos, João; Amaral, Sandra; Oliveira, Paulo, 2008. Current Diabetes Reviews. 46 - 54. 1. 4. 2008. . 10.2174/157339908783502398 . published Current Diabetes Reviews

Characterization of human sperm populations using conventional parameters, surface ubiquitination, and apoptotic markers.

Varum S; Bento C; Sousa AP; Gomes-Santos CS; Henriques P; Almeida-Santos T; Teodósio C; Paiva A; Ramalho-Santos J, 2007. 2007. . 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2006.07.1528 .

The expression of polymerase gamma and mitochondrial transcription factor A and the regulation of mitochondrial DNA content in mature human sperm

Amaral, A.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; St John, J.C., 2007. Human Reproduction. 1585 - 1596. 6. 22. 2007. . 10.1093/humrep/dem030 . Human Reproduction

Characterization of human sperm populations using conventional parameters, surface ubiquitination, and apoptotic markers

Varum, S.; Bento, C.; Sousa, A.P.M.; Gomes-Santos, C.S.S.; Henriques, P.; Almeida-Santos, T.; Teodósio, C.; Paiva, A.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2007. Fertility and Sterility. 572 - 583. 3. 87. 2007. . 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2006.07.1528 . Fertility and Sterility

Comparison between different markers for sperm quality in the cat: Diff-Quik as a simple optical technique to assess changes in the DNA of feline epididymal sperm

Mota, P.C.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2006. Theriogenology. 1360 - 1375. 7. 65. 2006. . 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2005.08.016 . Theriogenology

Flow cytometry evaluation of lead and cadmium effects on mouse spermatogenesis

Oliveira, H.; Loureiro, J.; Filipe, L.; Santos, C.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Sousa, M.; Pereira, M.d.L., 2006. Reproductive Toxicology. 529 - 535. 3. 22. 2006. . 10.1016/j.reprotox.2006.03.009 . Reproductive Toxicology

Histopathological effects of hexavalent chromium in mouse kidney

Oliveira, H.; Santos, T.M.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Pereira, M.D.L., 2006. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 977 - 983. 6. 76. 2006. . 10.1007/s00128-006-1014-y . Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

'Quercirrhiza summatriangularis' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Freitas, Helena, 2006. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 111 - 114. 9/10. 2006. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

'Quercirrhiza ateracusrugosa' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Freitas, Helena, 2006. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 75 - 79. 9/10. 2006. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

'Quercirrhiza tomentellofuniculosa' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Martín, María Paz; Freitas, Helena, 2006. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 127 - 134. 9/10. 2006. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

The analysis of mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA in human embryonic stem cells.

St John JC; Amaral A; Bowles E; Oliveira JF; Lloyd R; Freitas M; Gray HL; et al, 2006. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 347 - 374. 331. 2006. . 10.1385/1-59745-046-4:347 . Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)

'Quercirrhiza tomentellocystidiata' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Freitas, Helena, 2006. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 115 - 119. 9/10. 2006. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

Localization of SNAREs., NSF and Caveolin 1 in human spermatozoa: Relationship with seminal parameters

Sousa, A.P.M.; Gomes-Santos, C.S.S.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2006. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. 347 - 353. 5. 52. 2006. . 10.1080/01485010600667050 . Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine

'Quercirrhiza annelata' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Freitas, Helena, 2006. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 69 - 73. 9/10. 2006. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

Effects of hyperglycemia on sperm and testicular cells of Goto-Kakizaki and streptozotocin-treated rat models for diabetes

Amaral, S.; Moreno, A.J.; Santos, M.S.; Seiça, R.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2006. Theriogenology. 2056 - 2067. 9. 66. 2006. . 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2006.06.006 . Theriogenology

'Quercirrhiza auraterocystidiata' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Martín, María Paz; Freitas, Helena, 2006. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 81 - 86. 9/10 . 2006. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

Effects of hyperglycemia on sperm and testicular cells of Goto-Kakizaki and streptozotocin-treated rat models for diabetes

Amaral, Sandra; Moreno, António J.; Santos, Maria Sancha; Seiça, Raquel; Ramalho-Santos, João, 2006. Theriogenology. 2056 - 2067. 9. 66. 2006. . 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2006.06.006 . published Theriogenology

'Quercirrhiza flavocystidiata' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Martín, María Paz; Freitas, Helena, 2006. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 93 - 97. 9/10. 2006. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

'Quercirrhiza lanatriangularis' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Freitas, Helena, 2006. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 99 - 103. 9/10. 2006. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

Localization of SNAREs., NSF and Caveolin 1 in human spermatozoa: Relationship with seminal parameters

Sousa, A.P.M.; Gomes-Santos, C.S.S.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2006. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. 347 - 353. 5. 52. 2006. . 10.1080/01485010600667050 . Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine

'Quercirrhiza stelladuplicata' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Freitas, Helena, 2006. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 105 - 109. 9/10. 2006. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

Aberrant nucleo-cytoplasmic cross-talk results in donor cell mtDNA persistence in cloned embryos

Lloyd, R.E.; Lee, J.-H.; Alberio, R.; Bowles, E.J.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Campbell, K.H.S.; St. John, J.C., 2006. Genetics. 2515 - 2527. 4. 172. 2006. . 10.1534/genetics.105.055145 . Genetics

'Quercirrhiza dendrohyfidiomorpha' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Freitas, Helena, 2006. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 87 - 90. 9/10. 2006. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

Teaching about citric acid cycle using plant mitochondrial preparations: Some assays for use in laboratory courses*.

Vicente JA; Gomes-Santos CS; Sousa AP; Madeira VM, 2005. 2005. . 10.1002/bmb.2005.494033022444 .

The expression of mitochondrial DNA transcription factors during early cardiomyocyte in vitro differentiation from human embryonic stemn cells

St. John, J.C.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Gray, H.L.; Petrosko, P.; Rawe, V.Y.; Navara, C.S.; Simerly, C.R.; Schatten, G.P., 2005. Cloning and Stem Cells. 141 - 153. 3. 7. 2005. . 10.1089/clo.2005.7.141 . Cloning and Stem Cells

SNARE proteins and caveolin-1 in stallion spermatozoa: Possible implications for fertility

Gamboa, S.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2005. Theriogenology. 275 - 291. 2. 64. 2005. . 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2004.11.021 . Theriogenology

Simultaneous analysis of cytoskeletal patterns and chromosome positioning in human fertilization failures

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Amaral, A.; Brito, R.; Freitas, M.; Almeida Santos, T., 2004. Fertility and Sterility. 1654 - 1659. 6. 82. 2004. . 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2004.05.086 . Fertility and Sterility

The role of target membrane sialic acid residues in the fusion activity of the influenza virus: the effect of two types of ganglioside on the kinetics of membrane merging.

Ramalho-Santos J; Pedroso De Lima MC; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Pedroso De Lima, M.C., 2004. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters. 337 - 351. 2. 9. 2004. . Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters

Effect of lead chloride on spermatogenesis and sperm parameters in mice

Graça, A.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Pereira, M.deL., 2004. Asian Journal of Andrology. 237 - 241. 3. 6. 2004. . Asian Journal of Andrology

Presence of N-ethyl maleimide sensitive factor (NSF) on the acrosome of mammalian sperm

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Schatten, G., 2004. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. 163 - 168. 3. 50. 2004. . 10.1080/01485010490425502 . Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine

WAVE1, an A-kinase anchoring protein, during mammalian spermatogenesis

Rawe, V.Y.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Payne, C.; Chemes, H.E.; Schatten, G., 2004. Human Reproduction. 2594 - 2604. 11. 19. 2004. . 10.1093/humrep/deh513 . Human Reproduction

LIS1 Association with Dynactin is Required for Nuclear Motility and Genomic Union in the Fertilized Mammalian Oocyte

Payne, C.; St. John, J.C.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Schatten, G., 2003. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton. 245 - 251. 4. 56. 2003. . 10.1002/cm.10151 . Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton

Ubiquitination of prohibitin in mammalian sperm mitochondria: Possible roles in the regulation of mitochondrial inheritance and sperm quality control

Thompson, W.E.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Sutovsky, P., 2003. Biology of Reproduction. 254 - 260. 1. 69. 2003. . 10.1095/biolreprod.102.010975 . Biology of Reproduction

Let the tub drain [2]

Ramalho-Santos, J., 2003. Scientist. 13. 17. 2003. . Scientist

Preferentially localized dynein and perinuclear dynactin associate with nuclear pore complex proteins to mediate genomic union during mammalian fertilization

Payne, C.; Rawe, V.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Simerly, C.; Schatten, G., 2003. Journal of Cell Science. 4727 - 4738. 23. 116. 2003. . 10.1242/jcs.00784 . Journal of Cell Science

Rebuttal of a role for the epididymis in sperm quality control by phagocytosis of defective sperm (multiple letters)

Cooper, T.G.; Yeung, C.-H.; Jones, R.; Orgein-Crist, M.-C.; Robaire, B.; Sutovsky, P.; Moreno, R.D.; et al, 2002. Journal of Cell Science. 5 - 7. 1. 115. 2002. . Journal of Cell Science

Fluorescent probes for monitoring virus fusion kinetics: comparative evaluation of reliability

RamalhoSantos, João, 2002. 2002. 10.1016/s0005-2736(01)00457-6 .

Control of membrane fusion during spermiogenesis and the acrosome reaction

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Schatten, G.; Moreno, R.D., 2002. Biology of Reproduction. 1043 - 1051. 4. 67. 2002. . Biology of Reproduction

Golgi apparatus dynamics during mouse oocyte in vitro maturation: Effect of the membrane trafficking inhibitor brefeldin A

Moreno, R.D.; Schatten, G.; Ramalho-Santos, J., 2002. Biology of Reproduction. 1259 - 1266. 5. 66. 2002. . Biology of Reproduction

Fluorescent probes for monitoring virus fusion kinetics: Comparative evaluation of reliability

Nunes-Correia, I.; Eulálio, A.; Nir, S.; Düzgünes, N.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Pedroso De Lima, M.C., 2002. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes. 65 - 75. 1. 1561. 2002. . 10.1016/S0005-2736(01)00457-6 . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes

VAMP/synaptobrevin as an acrosomal marker for human sperm

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Terada, Y.; Schatten, G., 2002. Fertility and Sterility. 159 - 161. 1. 77. 2002. . 10.1016/S0015-0282(01)02957-0 . Fertility and Sterility

Fusion and infection of influenza and sendai viruses as modulated by dextran sulfate: A comparative study

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Pedroso De Lima, M.C., 2001. Bioscience Reports. 293 - 304. 3. 21. 2001. . 10.1023/A:1013282015121 . Bioscience Reports

Acrosome components after intracytoplasmic sperm injection: The decondensation frontier

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Simerly, C.R.; Hewitson, L.; Schatten, G., 2001. Fertility and Sterility. 196 - 197. 1. 76. 2001. . 10.1016/S0015-0282(01)01835-0 . Fertility and Sterility

'Quercirhiza sclerotiigera' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Freitas, Helena, 2001. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 99 - 105. 5 . 2001. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

'Quercirrhiza russulocystidiata' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Freitas, Helena, 2001. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 93 - 98. 5. 2001. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

'Quercirhiza pedicae' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Freitas, Helena, 2001. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 85 - 91. 5. 2001. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

'Quercirhiza internangularis' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Freitas, Helena, 2001. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 79 - 83. 5. 2001. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

'Quercirhiza ectendotrophica' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Freitas, Helena, 2001. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 67 - 72. 5. 2001. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

Acrosome components after intracytoplasmic sperm injection: the decondensation frontier

RamalhoSantos, João, 2001. 2001. 10.1016/s0015-0282(01)01835-0 .

Membrane trafficking machinery components associated with the mammalian acrosome during spermiogenesis

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Moreno, R.D.; Wessel, G.M.; Chan, E.K.L.; Schatten, G., 2001. Experimental Cell Research. 45 - 60. 1. 267. 2001. . 10.1006/excr.2000.5119 . Experimental Cell Research

A putative, ubiquitin-dependent mechanism for the recognition and elimination of defective spermatozoa in the mammalian epididymis

Sutovsky, P.; Moreno, R.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Dominko, T.; Thompson, W.E.; Schatten, G., 2001. Journal of Cell Science. 1665 - 1675. 9. 114. 2001. . Journal of Cell Science

Targeting and fusion proteins during mammalian spermiogenesis

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Moreno, R.D., 2001. Biological Research. 147 - 152. 2. 34. 2001. . Biological Research

The Golgi apparatus segregates from the lysosomal/acrosomal vesicle during rhesus spermiogenesis: Structural alterations

Moreno, R.D.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Chan, E.K.L.; Wessel, G.M.; Schatten, G., 2000. Developmental Biology. 334 - 349. 2. 219. 2000. . 10.1006/dbio.2000.9606 . Developmental Biology

SNAREs in mammalian sperm: Possible implications for fertilization

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Moreno, R.D.; Sutovsky, P.; Chan, A.W.-S.; Hewitson, L.; Wessel, G.M.; Simerly, C.R.; Schatten, G., 2000. Developmental Biology. 54 - 69. 1. 223. 2000. . 10.1006/dbio.2000.9745 . Developmental Biology

Ubiquitinated sperm mitochondria, selective proteolysis, and the regulation of mitochondrial inheritance in mammalian embryos

Sutovsky, P.; Moreno, R.D.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Dominko, T.; Simerly, C.; Schatten, G., 2000. Biology of Reproduction. 582 - 590. 2. 63. 2000. . Biology of Reproduction

Vesicular traffic and Golgi apparatus dynamics during mammalian spermatogenesis: Implications for acrosome architecture

Moreno, R.D.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Sutovsky, P.; Chan, E.K.L.; Schatten, G., 2000. Biology of Reproduction. 89 - 98. 1. 63. 2000. . Biology of Reproduction

ICSI choreography: Fate of sperm structures after monospermic rhesus ICSI and first cell cycle implications

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Sutovsky, P.; Simerly, C.; Oko, R.; Wessel, G.M.; Hewitson, L.; Schatten, G., 2000. Human Reproduction. 2610 - 2620. 12. 15. 2000. . Human Reproduction

Foreign DNA transmission by ICSI: Injection of spermatozoa bound with exogenous DNA results in embryonic GFP expression and live rhesus monkey births

Chan, A.W.S.; Luetjens, C.M.; Dominko, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Simerly, C.R.; Hewitson, L.; Schatten, G., 2000. Molecular Human Reproduction. 26 - 33. 1. 6. 2000. . Molecular Human Reproduction

TransgenICSI reviewed: Foreign DNA transmission by intracytoplasmic sperm injection in rhesus monkey

Chan, A.W.S.; Luetjens, C.M.; Dominko, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Simerly, C.R.; Hewitson, L.; Schatten, G., 2000. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 325 - 328. 2 SUPPL.. 56. 2000. . Molecular Reproduction and Development

'Quercirhiza nodulosomorpha' + Quercus suber L.

Azul, Anabela Marisa; Agerer, Reinhard; Freitas, Helena, 1999. Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae. 103 - 108. 4. 1999. published Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae

Role of a transbilayer pH gradient in the membrane fusion activity of the influenza virus hemagglutinin: Use of the R18 assay to monitor membrane merging

RamalhoSantos, João; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Pedroso De Lima, M.C., 1999. Biological Procedures Online. 107 - 113. 3. 1. 1999. . 10.1251/bpo13 . Biological Procedures Online

On-stage selection of single round spermatids using a vital, mitochondrion-specific fluorescent probe MitoTracker(TM) and high resolution differential interference contrast microscopy

Sutovsky, P.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Moreno, R.D.; Oko, R.; Hewitson, L.; Schatten, G., 1999. Human Reproduction. 2301 - 2312. 9. 14. 1999. . 10.1093/humrep/14.9.2301 . Human Reproduction

Unique checkpoints during the first cell cycle of fertilization after intracytoplasmic sperm injection in rhesus monkeys

Hewitson, L.; Dominko, T.; Takahashi, D.; Martinovich, C.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Sutovsky, P.; Fanton, J.; et al, 1999. Nature Medicine. 431 - 433. 4. 5. 1999. . 10.1038/7430 . Nature Medicine

Ubiquitin tag for sperm mitochondria

Sutovsky, P.; Moreno, R.D.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Dominko, T.; Simerly, C.; Schatten, G., 1999. Nature. 371 - 372. 6760. 402. 1999. . 10.1038/46466 . Nature

Interactions of influenza virus with cultured cells: Detailed kinetic modeling of binding and endocytosis

Nunes-Correia, I.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Nir, S.; Pedroso De Lima, M.C., 1999. Biochemistry. 1095 - 1101. 3. 38. 1999. . 10.1021/bi9812524 . Biochemistry

Optimization strategies for production of mammalian embryos by nuclear transfer

Dominko, T.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Chan, A.; Moreno, R.D.; Luetjens, C.M.; Simerly, C.; Hewitson, L.; et al, 1999. Cloning and Stem Cells. 143 - 152. 3. 1. 1999. . Cloning and Stem Cells

The influenza virus hemagglutinin: A model protein in the study of membrane fusion

Ramalho-Santos, J.; De Lima, M.C.P.; Almeida, M.T.; De Pedroso Lima, M.C., 1998. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Reviews on Biomembranes. 147 - 154. 1. 1376. 1998. . 10.1016/S0304-4157(98)00002-1 . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Reviews on Biomembranes

Sendai virus fusion activity as modulated by target membrane components

Nunes-Correia, I.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Pedroso De Lima, M.C., 1998. Bioscience Reports. 59 - 68. 2. 18. 1998. . 10.1023/A:1020180109275 . Bioscience Reports

Evidence that synaptobrevin is involved in fusion between synaptic vesicles and synaptic plasma membrane vesicles

Almeida, M.T.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Oliveira, C.R.; Pedroso De Lima, M.C., 1997. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 184 - 188. 1. 236. 1997. . 10.1006/bbrc.1997.6928 . Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

Fusion activity of the influenza virus hemagglutinin does not require a transbilayer pH gradient

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Pedroso De Lima, M.C., 1997. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes. 194 - 198. 2. 1330. 1997. . 10.1016/S0005-2736(97)00166-1 . Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes

Partial fusion activity of influenza virus toward liposomes and erythrocyte ghosts is distinct from viral inactivation

Ramalho-Santos, J.; De Pedroso Lima, M.C.; Nir, S., 1996. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 23902 - 23906. 39. 271. 1996. . 10.1074/jbc.271.39.23902 . Journal of Biological Chemistry

Target cell membrane sialic acid modulates both binding and fusion activity of influenza virus

Pedroso de Lima, M.C.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Flasher, D.; Slepushkin, V.A.; Nir, S.; Düzgunes, N., 1995. BBA - Biomembranes. 323 - 330. 2. 1236. 1995. . 10.1016/0005-2736(95)00067-D . BBA - Biomembranes

Fusion activity of African swine fever virus towards target membranes: Lipid dependence and effect of dehydrating agents

Bernardes, C.; Valdeira, M.L.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; De Lima, M.C.P., 1995. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International. 481 - 488. 3. 37. 1995. . Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International

Parameters affecting fusion between liposomes and synaptosomes. Role of proteins, lipid peroxidation, pH and temperature

Almeida, M.T.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; Oliveira, C.R.; Pedroso de Lima, M.C., 1994. The Journal of Membrane Biology. 217 - 222. 2. 142. 1994. . 10.1007/BF00234943 . The Journal of Membrane Biology

Fusion of Sendai virus with model membranes as affected by dehydrating agents and pH: Correlation between viral envelope hydrophobicity and fusion activity

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Negrao, R.; Da Conceicao Pedroso de Lima, M., 1994. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International. 1121 - 1127. 6. 32. 1994. . Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International

Role of hydrophobic interactions in the fusion activity of influenza and sendai viruses towards model membranes

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Negrão, R.; Lima, M.d.C.P.d., 1994. Bioscience Reports. 15 - 24. 1. 14. 1994. . 10.1007/BF01901634 . Bioscience Reports

A common mechanism for influenza virus fusion activity and inactivation

Ramalho-Santos, J.; Nir, S.; Düzgünes, N.; De Carvalho, A.P.; De Lima, M.D.C.P., 1993. Biochemistry. 2771 - 2779. 11. 32. 1993. . 10.1021/bi00062a006 . Biochemistry

Kinetic modeling of Sendai virus fusion with PC-12 cells. Effect of pH and temperature on fusion and viral inactivation

PEDROSO DE LIMA, Maria da Conceicao; RAMALHO-SANTOS, Joao; MARTINS, Maria de Fatima; PATO DE CARVALHO, Arselio; BAIROS, Vasco; NIR, Shlomo, 1992. European Journal of Biochemistry. 181 - 186. 1. 205. 1992. . 10.1111/j.1432-1033.1992.tb16766.x . European Journal of Biochemistry

Interaction of clathrin with large unilamellar phospholipid vesicles at neutral pH. Lipid dependence and protein penetration

Seppen, J.; Ramalho-Santos, J.; de Carvalho, A.P.; ter Beest, M.; Kok, J.W.; Pedroso de Lima, M.C.; Hoekstra, D., 1992. BBA - Biomembranes. 209 - 215. 1. 1106. 1992. . 10.1016/0005-2736(92)90240-M . BBA - Biomembranes

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